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Bug in Nero Burning ROM ?

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Bug in Nero Burning ROM ?

Postby hugh on Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:24 am

Yesterday, I burned many CD-Rs and DVD+Rs using Nero Burning ROM on my Windows 98 PC and noticed that all the files that I created during the summer have their timestamps wrongly recorded (off by 1 hour). Other files have the correct timestamps.

You can duplicate this problem very easily by doing the followings:

1. You should use a Window 98SE PC (the bug might not occur on other Windows, but you can try, I just can't guarantee that you would get the bug)

2. Set the timezone to "(GMT-8) Pacific Time" (any other timezones that have Daylight Saving Time would do too)

3. Choose a file with the month falling between May to September and another file between November to March, then record them into a CD-R using Nero Burning ROM

One of the files would have the wrong timestamp, while the other is OK.
Make sure you restore your original timezone.

I tried Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator and it didn't have the problem. However, I don't like the Creator 6 because it's twice slower than Nero 6 when writing to DVD+R, and whenever I filled up the DVD+R with almost 4.7GB of data, the last few files are always unreadable. Oh well, that topic would belong to the Roxio forum, right ?
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Does anybody care about this bug ?

Postby hugh on Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:45 pm

Does any of you care about this bug ?

When I mentioned this to my friends, some of them got upset since they burned a lot of digital camera pictures and movie clips and they want the file time to be exactly the same as the time and date when the pictures or videos were taken. Some of us were exchanging the pictures and after many DVD copyings, some pictures are off by 4 hours.

My friends have confirmed this bug on Window XP and Windows 2000 as well as Windows 98. The bug is simply this: "all the file times that fall in the Daylight Saving Time are moved up by one hour, even when the recording is done during the Daylight Saving Time".

While waiting for a fix from Nero (if they ever notice it), we wrote a little program that subtract all the file times in the Daylight Saving Time by one hour. We apply this program to all the files before burning them to DVD using Nero 6 (by the way, Nero 5 doesn't have this problem). That seem to solve the problem. Is anyone interested in this program (it runs on Windows NT/2000/XP only, not on Windows 98. Sorry) ?
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Postby hugh on Mon Mar 15, 2004 8:20 pm

Am I dreaming or what ?

Nero fixed this problem. Thanks Nerooooo ! I can't wait to tell my friends.
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Postby MediumRare on Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:30 am

hugh wrote:Am I dreaming or what ?

Nero fixed this problem. Thanks Nerooooo ! I can't wait to tell my friends.

Hugh, I'm glad you got it fixed. I've also had some very strange effects with file times on CDRs (although not resulting from Nero) and was working on a comment. I'll post that later. What interests me more right now is:

Where did you get version The official site still lists as the latest version.

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Postby hugh on Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:58 am

You can download it at ftp://ftp.nero.com/philips/Nero6306c.exe or ftp://ftp2.nero.com/philips/Nero6306c.exe (thanks to aviationwiz for posting these links).
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Postby MediumRare on Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:17 am

Right. I saw that too, but hesitated because of the Philips business. Does this version identify itself as Philips somewhere? I read in the other thread that this is a demo version. What is the expiration date? There is no official demo available from Ahead at present.

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Postby Howard Kaikow on Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:04 pm

The latest versions are listed at [url]http://www.nero.com/us/prog_versions.php[/url].

The one at Phillips could be an OEM version.
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Postby hugh on Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:14 pm

It doesn't matter anymore. You can download even newer version ( directly from Nero at ftp://ftp.us.nero.com/Nero6316.exe

If you still want the version for some reasons, I'd like to tell you that it updated my full version of Nero fine. About whether or not it is a demo version, I believe that Nero always distribute it in that manner. Then after you enter the serial number, it'll become the full, non-restrictive version. If you already installed an earlier version of Nero, you don't have to enter the serial number again, it will update your version automatically.
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