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When will dodecahedron pass cfitz in total posts ?

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When will dodecahedron pass cfitz in total posts ?

Postby MediumRare on Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:32 pm

Today, the Ides of March, is historically a time of decision, a time to remove potential despots from their prominent place in the forum.

Far too long has cfitz been undisputed No. 2 in total posts, but yon dodecahedron has a lean and hungry look.

Poll: When will dodecahedron pass cfitz in total posts ?
- April
- May
- never
- what is a "dodecahedron"
- who makes a "cfitz"
- cfitz will turn on the afterburners
- who cares ?
-stupid poll

The diagram shows some background material based on a limited sample with least square fits of some posting rates. If these rates continue, the "magic moment" will be somewhere around 17 April.


Some further important dates this year projected from the March trends:
  • 16 Mar. dodecahedron passes 4000 posts
  • 5 May aviationwiz passes eliminator
  • 7 April board tops 100 000 posts
  • 17 June Ian hits 9000 posts
  • 19 June 8000 users

This information is, of course, based on strict scientific principles under due consideration of uncertainties and with proper regard to the gravity of the question.

So much for the parallels with last year. While brooding over this contribution a couple of weeks ago, the world seemed simpler because cfitz had taken a leave of absence. Have a look at this plot, where the current predictions are based on the last 9 days only and the "historical" ones (the thin lines) are for 6 March:


At this rate, dodecahedron is right when he says that he won't pass cfitz- but he seems to be taking a leave of absence now- 4000 by tomorrow is a bit unlikely :o. The prediction for catching cfitz (prior to cfitz' renaissance) was 3 April; since then cfitz has made more posts.

Another jump in posting rates occured right about then for aviationwiz. This is rumoured to be connected with the Plextor A07 and LiteOn PX-712SA.

CDRecorder reduced his activity drastically after being made a moderator (similar to BhuddaTB last year). What can we learn from this? :roll:

Ian, of course, is in a different league. He has close to 10% of all posts. His closest competition is the number of signed up users (!!):


There are more statistical tidbits:
- cfitz is almost twice as likely to post on Sunday than on Saturday
- for BhuddaTB, this factor is 5 !!!
- jase, on the other hand, posts 3x as much on Wed. as on Sun.
- aviationwiz has a mild high on Sat.
- BurninMan921 doesn't like Mon. 3x more posts on Fri.

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One of the worst posts ever

Postby MediumRare on Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:34 pm

Seeing as some friction arose from a similar post last year, I decided to close the poll. Here are the results:

When will dodecahedron pass cfitz in total posts ?
Code: Select all
April                                    0.01%  [   1]
May                                      0.01%  [   1]
never                                    0.61%  [  55]
what is a "dodecahedron"                 0.14%  [  13]
who makes a "cfitz"                      0.73%  [  66]
cfitz will turn on the afterburners     10.16%  [ 923]
who cares ?                             13.59%  [1234]
stupid poll                             74.75%  [6789]
.                        total votes             9082

I also thought that I'd save some of the forum members the trouble of replying.
cfitz wrote:LOL :lol: Someone has too much time on his hands

BhuddaTB wrote:I just hope this post doesn't encourage people to become "post-whores"

Here are two of aviationwiz' contributions:

1: I'll pass eliminator soon, I haven't seen him post a lot lately.

2: Here's another Top 10 Post Count Graph. As seen 4 months, I cut off Ian, and 3 months ago I decided to cut off cfitz because he is way up there as well. This time I cut off dodecahedron because he is way up there too and eliminator because he isn't doing much and the others too because they're way down there. Enjoy!


who is going to bed to avoid the flak. :wink:
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Postby CowboySlim on Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:56 pm

I vote for Nosmartz.

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Postby aviationwiz on Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:59 pm


a few things:

1. It's the Pioneer A07, not Plextor.

2. I really do hope this post doesn't encourage people to become "post-whores" :lol:

3. As per your version of the Post Counts I posted last year monthly, quite a bit off, but my #1 you listed was true, I did say that.

4. I made this post count the other day, Enjoy!

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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:09 am

:lol: :lol: ROTFLOL :lol: :lol: deja vu all over again... :D

As always, MediumRare, an excellent analysis and presentation! :wink: :D And I really appreciate how convenient you made the whole thread - no need to vote or respond or anything. (I actually feel a bit guilty responding now :oops: ) Twice as likely on Sunday, huh? That does feel about right. 8)

Oh, aviationwiz... What are we going to do with you? Perhaps someday you will learn to appreciate MediumRare's humor. It really is quite exquisite.

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:22 am

It appears I'll need to work harder (note that: Work harder, *NOT* post more) if I'm even going to get mentioned in the top 10!!

Geez, I know it's taboo to mention it, but getting to the top 10 on cdrinfo.com was MUCH easier! Of course, I argued a *LOT* more back then... which oddly enough also corrasponds with the fact that I knew FAR less then I know now...

Be warned cfitz... in 15 years, I'll be catching up!! :lol:
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:26 am

It might be interesting to run a database query something like this:

Code: Select all
select top 20 user, sum(len(post_text)) from post_t
   group by user
   order by sum(len(post_text)) desc

Of course, I don't know the actual tables, columns and SQL variant being used.

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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:28 am

dolphinius_rex wrote:Of course, I argued a *LOT* more back then... which oddly enough also corrasponds with the fact that I knew FAR less then I know now...

Getting older and wiser, huh? :wink: :)

dolphinius_rex wrote:Be warned cfitz... in 15 years, I'll be catching up!! :lol:

Duly noted. :) Don't worry, time is on your side and you will pass me soon enough. 8)

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:13 pm

MeidumRare, your'e a delight!
i haven't had this much fun in a while!

So much for the parallels with last year
yeah, i recognized your words immediately...deja-vu...i was thinking it's that old topic again, not a new one! :o

4000 by tomorrow is a bit unlikely :o

oh well.
can't resist but make my 4000th post on this topic! can you think of any more desrving?
so here it is, this is my post #4000 :D :P 8)

Seeing as some friction arose from a similar post last year

what friction ???
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:15 pm

dodecahedron wrote:can't resist but make my 4000th post on this topic! can you think of any more desrving?
so here it is, this is my post #4000 :D :P 8)

Let me be the first to congratulate you! :D

dodecahedron wrote:
Seeing as some friction arose from a similar post last year

what friction ???

You don't recall aviationwiz and his "This is one of the worst threads I have ever seen in my life" comment?

Here's the original thread, for those who are interested:

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:33 pm

that's all? this is friction???
i didn't remember it until i followed MediumRare's link and re-read it again. anyway it was just this one line from aviationwiz, and he reversed his opinion quickly too :D

if all friction was as little as this friction, the energy problems of our planet will have been solved! :lol:
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Postby cfitz on Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:24 pm

dodecahedron wrote:that's all? this is friction???
i didn't remember it until i followed MediumRare's link and re-read it again. anyway it was just this one line from aviationwiz, and he reversed his opinion quickly too :D

Well, MediumRare's posts on these matters are strictly light-hearted fun and humorous reading, so there shouldn't be any need to worry about friction.

dodecahedron wrote:if all friction was as little as this friction, the energy problems of our planet will have been solved! :lol:
Code: Select all

You can still expend a lot of energy without any friction, but a bigger worry is how do we stop (and go) without any friction? :o :D

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Postby CDRecorder on Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:04 pm

dodecahedron wrote:can't resist but make my 4000th post on this topic! can you think of any more desrving?
so here it is, this is my post #4000 :D :P 8)

Congratulations! :D 8)
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Postby VEFF on Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:20 am

dodecahedron wrote:MeidumRare, your'e a delight!
i haven't had this much fun in a while!

So much for the parallels with last year
yeah, i recognized your words immediately...deja-vu...i was thinking it's that old topic again, not a new one! :o

4000 by tomorrow is a bit unlikely :o

oh well.
can't resist but make my 4000th post on this topic! can you think of any more desrving?
so here it is, this is my post #4000 :D :P 8)

Seeing as some friction arose from a similar post last year

what friction ???

Congrats! :)
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Postby MediumRare on Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:28 am

dodecahedron wrote:can't resist but make my 4000th post on this topic! can you think of any more desrving?
so here it is, this is my post #4000 :D :P 8)

Congratulations! (and thanks for the flowers).

Here another statistical tidbit to explain the delay:
- MediumRare is twice as likely to post on Sun. than on Tues. (This was new to me too, although I know the reason why 8))

The friction I was refering to was a series of posts following this one. I'll just repeat the important part of my comment: I don't want to give any incentive to a competition in total posts (call it "postitis").

CowboySlim wrote:I vote for Nosmartz.

So do I! He has excellent taste in Beer!

dolphinius_rex wrote:Geez, I know it's taboo to mention it, but getting to the top 10 on cdrinfo.com was MUCH easier!

There are easy ways to make the top 10, but I think you're taking the right road here. :D

for aviationwiz.

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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:52 am

MediumRare wrote:Here another statistical tidbit to explain the delay:
- MediumRare is twice as likely to post on Sun. than on Tues. (This was new to me too, although I know the reason why 8))

Tease! Just leaving us hanging, wondering why... :evil: :wink:

MediumRare wrote:
CowboySlim wrote:I vote for Nosmartz.

So do I! He has excellent taste in Beer!

Oh now you're just sucking up, hoping for a free bear! :x Er, I mean beer... :wink:

MediumRare wrote:for aviationwiz.

You'll have to forgive aviationwiz. He probably listens to too much alanis morissette. :wink:

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Postby MediumRare on Wed Mar 17, 2004 10:50 am

cfitz wrote:
MediumRare wrote:Here another statistical tidbit to explain the delay:
- MediumRare is twice as likely to post on Sun. than on Tues. (This was new to me too, although I know the reason why 8))

Tease! Just leaving us hanging, wondering why... :evil: :wink:

Yeah! 8) Actually I'm always out on Tuesday nights doing something that has nothing whatsoever to do with tech stuff.
cfitz wrote:Oh now you're just sucking up, hoping for a free bear! :x Er, I mean beer... :wink:

Well he does have good taste in beer!

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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:41 pm

cfitz wrote:
MediumRare wrote:for aviationwiz.

You'll have to forgive aviationwiz. He probably listens to too much alanis morissette. :wink:


Oh my, that is scary. Dude, are you in my grade? :lol:
We actually listened to that song once in English class in 7th grade, a few years back...
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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 17, 2004 5:57 pm

aviationwiz wrote:We actually listened to that song once in English class in 7th grade, a few years back...

I hope your teacher pointed out the idiocy of her lyrics, and that what she called ironic was mostly just unfortunate (in more ways than one :wink: ). The only thing remotely ironic about her song was that, although it was ostensibly about irony, nothing she described as ironic was even remotely ironic.

Gosh what an awful song, lyrics, and so-called "artist". :(

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:22 pm

i like her very much.
got all her albums but the first one, i think.
and like that song very much.
hey, its pop music, who listens to the lyrics anyway ??? it's all about the music.
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Postby cfitz on Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:17 pm

dodecahedron wrote:i like her very much.
got all her albums but the first one, i think.
and like that song very much.

Well then maybe you will enjoy this site:


You can use it to help fill out the lyrics from the missing first album. :wink:

I did one for aviationwiz (with a cameo by hoxlund) since we now know how much he also likes alanis, and this was the result on my first try (with three lines cut to remove some potentially offensive profanity):

"I Think"

I Think plextor drives are really a huge problem
I Think airplanes are too much on my mind
I Think more plextor drives have got a lot to do with why the world sucks
But what can you do?

Like a red rain, beating down on me
Like a John Kerry line, which won't let go of my brain
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz

I Think airports are gonna drive us all crazy
And feelings of pride make me feel like a child
I Think yet even more plextor drives will eventually be the downfall of civilization
But what can you do? I said what can you do?

Like a red rain, beating down on me
Like a John Kerry line, which won't let go of my brain
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz

Like a red rain, beating down on me
Like hoxlund's smile, cruel and cold
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz
Blame it on aviationwiz

I thought it turned out quite well! :lol: Maybe there are more to her lyrics than I gave her credit for. :wink:

dodecahedron wrote:hey, its pop music, who listens to the lyrics anyway ??? it's all about the music.

I do, if I can make them out. And in this case the lyrics of this particular song alone were enough by themselves to completely turn me off alanis. But to each his or her own. 8)

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Postby wicked1 on Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:49 pm

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Postby dolphinius_rex on Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:22 pm

OMG that was too funny! cfitz, you're killing me here! :lol:
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:22 am

yeah, me too :lol:
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Postby CowboySlim on Thu Mar 18, 2004 12:22 am

OMG that was too funny! cfitz, you're killing me here!

Whaddaya' mean, here?

cfitz is killing us everywhere!

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