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Asus DVD E616 can't read the StarWars Phantom Menace DVD dis


Asus DVD E616 can't read the StarWars Phantom Menace DVD dis

Postby setiamalaysia on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:51 pm

Good morning,
Recently I just bought an Asus DVD-ROM drive E-616 w/ V2.0 ROM.
It's seems like I having problem to play my Starwars The Phantom Menace Disc 2 (Capacity Apox. 7.9GB) on the drive. The disc no problem at all.
I am using the PowerDVD XP 4.0 to play it, but the error message always pop out.

I do try to browse to the DVD content & I find out that all files under the Video_TS folder consist "zero" bytes.

I have no problem to playing the second disc on other DVD player or even DVD drive.

It's was same problem happened to AsusDVD software player which is bundled with the drive. The player can't recognise but cannot play the disc.

After I trying with InterActual V2.02 it also same the player ask me to insert the DVD disc even though I already put in the disc.

Is it related with the DVD ROM Version problem? If yes, please quickly send a solution.

Fyi: I do change the drive twice with the dealer but the problem still exist then I believe it's the drive problem not the DVD disc either.
I do having same problem with Crouching Tiger & hidden dragon DVD disc also.

Please kindly reply mail & better still give me the solution asap.
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Postby xenetik on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:52 pm

Hi there, it seems your problem may be disc related and not drive related. I own the exact same drive (E616) and have no problems playing disc 2 with ANY software player i have tired (i also use PowerDVD 4.0 XP). I would recommend trying a different version of The Phantom Menace dvd, maybe hiring it out from your local video shop. If this does not work, then i do not know what is wrong , but i still think it is a faulty disc. :)
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Postby overfloe on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:53 pm

Try to update the powerdvd 4.0 with the latest patch..
you didn't mention what os are you using. if you're using winxp, you must update using windowsupdate. there's an issue about winxp & dvd compatibility.
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Postby setiamalaysia on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:54 pm

Hi Xenetik did you receive my e-mail?

PowerXP 4.0 so don't has any patches yet. I find nothing in their website.
Huhhh....really...So sad man.

I can't watch my lovely disc2.

Whatever third party tweaking I did it before, but none of them work. :cry:
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Postby xenetik on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:54 pm

Sorry to hear that :( . I did get your email, but have been a bit busy of late, and besides, i am as stumped as you are. I would suggest trying a different OS because as Overfloe pointed out, there may be a significant amount of bugs still to be worked out of the system before everything runs hunky dory. I would suggest Windows 2k, as i have been using it for ages and it gives me no problems, it also hardly ever crashes. Anyway good luck with it.

Ps. i recommend going to a techie chat room and speaking to somebody a bit more in the know than myself. :D
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Postby overfloe on Wed Dec 31, 1969 10:54 pm

setiamalaysia wrote:Hi Xenetik did you receive my e-mail?

PowerXP 4.0 so don't has any patches yet. I find nothing in their website.
Huhhh....really...So sad man.

I can't watch my lovely disc2.

Whatever third party tweaking I did it before, but none of them work. :cry:

You can try here: PowerDVD 4.0 XP 1213 Patch 5MB.
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Postby setiamalaysia on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:06 pm

Hi fellows, after I running several test & deep investigation. I find out that the stupid Windows XP Pro cause my drive can't read those DVDs.

Star Wars : The Phantom Menace Disc 2
Crouching Tiger: Hidden Dragon
American Pie
American Pie 2

I can't play at all with my stupid windows XP...

Does anyone have idea how to "bombard" the M$?
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Postby overfloe on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:06 pm

Are the discs dual layered?
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It's your computer I'm afraid to tell you

Postby Sizzle on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:11 pm

I have WinXP Pro. I have the Asus 616 DVD player. I use ATI's DVD player. I own all those disks and have played them with NO problems whatsoever.

At this point, I would have to believe it's your system dude.
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Postby mambo on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:44 pm

hi setiamalaysia

just want to ask, have you solve the problem between win xp and s/w dvd player? i also have the same problems but unwilling to go back to 9x.

i would really appreciate if anyone could give me a link to any updates regarding to this winxp issues.

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Postby ETP on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:44 pm

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Postby mambo on Wed Dec 31, 1969 11:44 pm

anybody there? Ian? Could you help, please?

winxp+dvd dual layer=no playback?
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Problems with Asus E-616

Postby jlerias on Fri Dec 13, 2002 6:19 pm

I'm having a lot of problems with this drive. It has trouble recognizing most dvds I insert in it. It runs very few of them, and there are others that only sometimes run (some dvds, if inserted twice, will not run on the second attempt). Most of them don't run at all, especially newer dvds (Star Wars Attack of the Clones, Phantom Menace, Memento disk 2, and lots of others). They run fine in other drives, though. The E616 starts spinning, as if to read the dvd, but then I hear a sort of click, it spins again, then another click, etc. and after a while it stops attempting to read the dvd. No error message is displayed. The drive reads audio and data cds without any problem. My OS is Windows XP.
Does anyone have the same problem? Most people say wonders of this drive, but it can't read most of the dvds I own!...

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