burninfool wrote:John Kerry is so liberal he makes Ted Kennedy look like a moderate.
What's wrong with that?
Liberal: Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
The USA was built on liberal values. Your economy is one of the most liberal on earth. I just don't understand why the word "liberal" is seen almost as a term of abuse in the States, when the cornerstones of freedom, democracy, equal rights and so on are liberal in outlook. You should be proud of a politician who wants to tear down the remaining barriers in society, surely?
I'm a liberal and proud of it. I firmly believe that as long as it does not harm another person, anything goes. There have to be limits, obviously, and that defines how liberal a person is (where those limits are placed), but as far as I am concerned, decriminalisation of drug-taking (though not pushing), gay marriages and so on I have absolutely no problem with whatsoever. If an adult consents to being chained, whipped and humiliated, in his own home why have a problem with it? If an idiot wants to tell a racist joke, I don't have to like it, but I certainly won't stop him doing it, that's freedom of speech. Surely that is how it should be?
Call me a leftie anarchist if you will but I just don't believe in telling people what they can or can't do, if it isn't causing harm (as opposed to offense) to anyone else.