burninfool wrote:I have one more thought on the subject:
Why did Martha lie in the first place when the stocks in question are only worth $238,000 and she is worth $1,000,000,000?She has lost in stock value and legal fees an estimated $400,000,000.
You do the math.

If she cooperated in the first place with the authorities she would most likely of only had to pay a fine and do some community service.
1) Exactly! She only saved $79,000 by selling a day before the annoucement (about $2 / share), when her empire was worth $1 billion.
The $79,000 she initially saved has now cost her about $400 - 700 million!!
It is a sign of her greed.
2) You echo my sentiments exactly: If she had simply come clean about it, she probably would have gotten probation, as you said.
2) She used to be a stockbroker herself, so she should have known better.
3) She was on the board of the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)!!!
She is expected to
4) She was goood friends with the founder and CEO, so she should have known that there was a good chance the Feds would connect the dots.
5) She told her best friend about it, putting her in an awkward position.
I am not saying I want her to serve jail time, as mean of a person as she apparently is, according to reports.
However, I am saying, that she was very foolish, greedy and over confident.
They obviously wanted to make an example of her and her stockbroker.
I would prefer to see Scott Peterson go to jail, if he's convicted of killing his pregnant wife and unborn baby.
The guy had a mistress, played golf or went fishing with his buddies while
the police were still searching for his missing wife.
A camera caught him in the background laughing it up, drinking beers and talking on a cell phone, all during a vigil for his wife, where her parents were sad and almost passing out from the sadness, fear and shock.