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What's wrong with my drive?

Postby Hibiki04 on Tue Mar 02, 2004 4:42 am

Hi everyone,
I have a Lite-On 48125W drive. I burned some TY CD-Rs discs and tested them with K-Probe. To my surprise, during the first 6 mins of the CD-R, the C1 drastically increased to a climax of 116 and dropped from there and kept a low level of C1 there after (under 15) The C1 average was around 3.2 (is that pretty high?). All the CD-Rs I burned from this spindle has similar results, where it has a high amount of C1 errors during the beginning and barely any after 6 mins into the CD. I thought that there was something wrong with my burner so I took another TY CD-R from another spindle and burned it. This TY CD-R got an average of 0.4 and a max C1 of 12.

I went back to the first spindle and burned a CD on my friends Lite-On 52126S drive and it gave him a <1.0 C1 error

Can anyone tell me what going on here? This doesn't make any sense if its good on his drive but not on mine. The firmware on my drive is VSOD

What do you guys consider the limt in C1 (max) and C1 average in order for you to consider it as a good burn?

Thanks for your help
Buffer Underrun
Posts: 22
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Postby CDRecorder on Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:09 pm

Different drives will report different numbers of errors on the same discs; what you are seeing is normal.

I generally consider a max of 25 C1 errors to be OK, but for discs which I want to keep for a long time, I use better quality discs so that the max is under 10. I don't consider any disc with any C2 errors at all to be acceptable.
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