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Cant simulate in Nero

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Cant simulate in Nero

Postby pranav81 on Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:18 pm

Hi all,
After a very very long time I have faced a problem with my installation of Nero.I am not able to simulate any project I choose,be it data cd,audio cd,etc.I can succeassfully simulate or test in Roxio EZCD 6,with all latest patches.I can also simulate in CloneCD
My setup consists of Windows XP SP1 with all latest patches,LG 52X32X52X burner with latest firmware.
I dont really remember when I simulated a disc in Nero,but I am sure I should be able to do that.Not that it really matters as I use all 52X certified media.
I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Nero in vain.
Any suggestions guys??

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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:31 pm

in some drives you need to disable the buffer underrun technology for simulating to work.

i think you LG has SuperLink, right?
try turning it off in Nero, see if then you can simulate.
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Postby pranav81 on Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:46 pm

You are right about SuperLink,dodecahedron.I will try disabling it and then tell you guys about what happened.But I dont remember disabling buffer underrun protection and simulating in Nero.Anyways I will try doing this.
See ya later,

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Postby pranav81 on Wed Feb 25, 2004 3:12 am

Dear dodecahedron you are right.When I disable buffer underrun protection then I can select simulate,which is disabled earlier.It grays out again when I select buffer underrun protection.Why does this happen,dode?
Also I saw today that there are 11 type of compilations in the New CD Dialogue.There is no HD-Burn CD compilation.I remember seeing it.I dont need that now as I dont have a HD-Burn recorder,but I cant think where has it gone..?
See ya later,

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:08 pm

i don't know why you have to turn off the Buffer Underrun protection to enable simulation.
i just know that for some recorders, you do.

i recall someone having this problem once and Craig Campbell gave the same solution i did, without an explanation why.

as for not having HD-Burn type compilation, that's because you don't have a drive that supports HD-Burn!
if you did, you would have that compilation.
(i too have 11 CD compilation types).
Nero detects what your hardware supports and shows the relevant compilation types only (e.g i have only CD compilation types...because i don't have a DVD recorder).

if it's important to you, search the forum, cfitz explained once how to hack the registry to "force" Nero to put in ALL compilation types, even ones not supported by your recorder.

(hmm...if i'll have time i'll search for it myself and put it in the FAQ).
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Postby pranav81 on Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:30 pm

Thanks for the info dodecahedron.There was a HD-Burn compilation long time back.Then I didnt knew what HD-Burn was,so I had posted a thread here asking the same.And got a reply from cfitz.
By the way,where is cfitz?Thanks once again,

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Postby CCampbell on Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:47 pm

No HACK is needed to show HD-Burn features, just go into the "Enable All Recorder formats' THen you will see HD-Burn even if your recorder does not support, as well as DVD option if you only have a CD Recorder.

As for why you need to disable Buffer Underrun protection feature to enable Simulation, the reason behind this is that if you have Buffer Underrun feature enabled, why do a simulation as the write will not fail do to buffer underruns with this feature enabled.
We saw the need for Simulation only if there was a chance of a buffer underrun. That was the reason for Simulation option to begin with. I know from hearing it in the past, that some would still like to simulate even with the bufferunderrun enabled, but it does not make a lot of sence to us. :D


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Postby pranav81 on Wed Feb 25, 2004 2:51 pm

Thanks a lot Craig for the reply. :) .You surely have cleared my doubts.

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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 25, 2004 4:00 pm

CCampbell wrote:No HACK is needed to show HD-Burn features, just go into the "Enable All Recorder formats' THen you will see HD-Burn even if your recorder does not support, as well as DVD option if you only have a CD Recorder.

thanks Craig. my bad.
but where do you find this "Enable All Recorder formats" setting? couldn't find it!

CCampbell wrote:As for why you need to disable Buffer Underrun protection feature to enable Simulation, the reason behind this is that if you have Buffer Underrun feature enabled, why do a simulation as the write will not fail do to buffer underruns with this feature enabled.
We saw the need for Simulation only if there was a chance of a buffer underrun. That was the reason for Simulation option to begin with. I know from hearing it in the past, that some would still like to simulate even with the bufferunderrun enabled, but it does not make a lot of sence to us. :D

thanks for the explanation.
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Feb 25, 2004 6:26 pm

Sorry, I just re-read my explanation and it was not very clear. :)

In the StartSmart window under Configure you will see the option to "Enable all Recoder format".


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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:26 pm

that's for Nero 6.
i'm still using Nero 5.5.

is there such a setting in Nero 5.5?
if not, you can still do this by hacking the registry (so i was originally right).
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:36 pm

dodecahedron wrote:that's for Nero 6.
i'm still using Nero 5.5.

is there such a setting in Nero 5.5?
if not, you can still do this by hacking the registry (so i was originally right).

Your keeping me on my toes. :)

Yes, that was for Nero 6. For Nero file you need to go to MORE->CONFIGURE and under Expert Features you can 'Enable all Recorder Formats'


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Postby dodecahedron on Wed Feb 25, 2004 7:58 pm

CCampbell wrote:Your keeping me on my toes. :)

Yes, that was for Nero 6. For Nero file you need to go to MORE->CONFIGURE and under Expert Features you can 'Enable all Recorder Formats'

sorry for keeping you on your toes :D once more, but these instructions are unclear (or erroneous), else i'm dense.
what's Nero file ? (edit: ok now got it :) ) what's MORE-CONFIGURE ? 'Enable all Recorder Formats' ? i find no such things in Nero 5.5 (again confusing with Nero 6?)

clicking (Nero 5.5) File -> Preferences... and then selecting the Expert Features tab, there's a checkbox named Enable Image Recorder for all supported recorder formats. checking this does enable all the compilation types.

i guess that's what you'd meant...?
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Postby CCampbell on Thu Feb 26, 2004 1:17 am

Yeah, do as I mean, not as I say. :D

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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Feb 26, 2004 2:50 am

or at the bottom of the Grand Canyon? :D
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