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Memorex True 8X Best Buy Rebate Question

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Memorex True 8X Best Buy Rebate Question

Postby hydrogen on Sun Feb 15, 2004 8:50 am

To the Mods,

If this is the wrong place for this post please move it to the right area. I wasn't sure if it was suppose to go here or hot deals. Thanks.
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On Best Buys rebate center they list a $30 and a $20 rebate for the Memorex True 8X drive. One goes to Detroit, Michigan and the other goes to Young American, Minnesota. The bad thing is they both want the original upc code.
So how do you get both rebates if they both want the original upc code?

$50 off the Memorex True 8X drive is pretty good.

Here's the rebate center with the rebate links if you want to look at them

Look under Memorex 32023269
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp ... &type=page
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Postby CowboySlim on Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:02 pm

I get that from time to time on Fry's double rebate deals. They suggest that I call the rebate place and ask them what to do. When I do that I note the name of whom I'm talking to.

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Postby Ian on Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:07 pm

Yeah, you're going to have to ask the rebate companies. It might be worth bringing up at the store. You might find a nice manager that will drop the price for your right then and there.
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Postby Jim on Sun Feb 15, 2004 2:21 pm

If you want to take a guess, send the manufacturer the original UPC and the retail store that is supplementing (offering an additional) rebate a copy of the UPC.
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Postby hydrogen on Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:58 am

Thank you guys.

I decided to pass on the Memorex drive and got the Pioneer A07 drive. It had a $30 rebate on it at Best Buy. It printed out at the register. It's $229 at Best Buy with a $30 rebate. I ad matched Compusa's price of $199. So I got it for $169 after rebate. To ad match, the store your ad matching has to have it in stock. They will call. If you have a Fry's near you you may could ad match their price of $199. My Best Buy wouldn't ad match Fry's because I don't have a Fry's in the state I live in.

$169 after rebate for a Pioneer A07 is an awesome deal in my opinion.

The offer date on the rebate says 2/09/2004 to 3/31/2004. Looks like you got awhile to get one with the $30 rebate.

I talked about it here.
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Postby hydrogen on Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:45 am

Does anyone know what the regular price is for the Memorex True 8x drive at Best Buy? If it isn't too bad $50 in rebates could be a good deal. You'll have to figure out the upc problem though.

I'm trying to help people find some good deals.
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Postby Jim on Tue Feb 17, 2004 10:38 am

Check the fine print on the rebates that print out at Best Buy. If Best Buy is offering the rebate themselves (putting up the money), I've noticed they add fine print that they will not honor the rebate if the product has been price matched or price reduced from the regular or sale price. I haven't noticed this fine print print up on manufacturer rebates that print up at their registers that are paid with funds from the manufacturer.

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Postby vsekh on Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:27 pm

hydrogen wrote:Does anyone know what the regular price is for the Memorex True 8x drive at Best Buy? If it isn't too bad $50 in rebates could be a good deal. You'll have to figure out the upc problem though.

I'm trying to help people find some good deals.

I believe the regular price is $199 for this Memorex drive.
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Postby hydrogen on Wed Feb 18, 2004 3:20 am


Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. I don't think this is a Best Buy rebate. I think it's a manufacturer rebate. How do you tell the difference?
I don't see anywhere on the rebate where it says anything about pricematching.


Thank you. Are you sure it's $199 at Best Buy? If so that means $199 - $20 rebate - $30 rebate = $149. That's a pretty good price. I read in the forum where Ian said it was a rebadged A07.
Also, in that thread Ian said that you may not can use the Pioneer firmware from their web site on it since usually Memorex changes the id string.

If anyone wants this Memorex True8x drive make sure that you ask them what you should do since both rebates wants both original upc codes.
Also, make sure you ask how much the regular price is and if there is rebates on them before you buy it just to be safe. I don't want somone to buy thinking it's $199 when it may be $229 and no rebates print out. That would stink.

About the rebates wanting both original upcs, I'm going by what the two rebates at Best Buy's web site say.
Look under Memorex 32023269
http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp ... &type=page

They look like manufacturer rebates to me? Could somone go look at both of them and tell me what you think? Please tell me if you think there both manufacturer rebates or not? I would appreciate if somone could help me out with this. I'm trying to inform people the best I can about this deal. Some people may want this drive.
Last edited by hydrogen on Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:21 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby Jim on Wed Feb 18, 2004 10:23 pm

hydrogen wrote:Thanks for the info. I didn't know that. I don't think this is a Best Buy rebate. I think it's a manuafacturers rebate. How do you tell the difference?
I don't see anywhere on the rebate where it says anything about pricematching.

It will be listed under terms and conditions on the bottom of the rebate form that prints out at the register. They also have a disclaimer about not fulfilling requests from employees. Sounds like you have a manufacturer rebate. I haven't seen that printed on a manufacturer rebate yet.

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Postby hydrogen on Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:17 am

I think this is a manufacturer rebate too since it doesn't say any of that. Thanks for the info. I didn't know that Best Buy's rebates had all of that on there.

Could somone look at those Memorex rebates? Are they both manufacturer rebates? Does anyone know if $199 is the correct price at Best Buy.

Thank you.
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Postby vsekh on Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:29 pm

Went to Bestbuy today. The Memorex TrueX was $229 with $30 rebate. The pioneer Dual 8x was $199 with $30 rebate. Pioneer seems to be the better deal.
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Postby hydrogen on Thu Feb 19, 2004 10:37 pm

Thank you for checking. When I went to Best Buy last week the Pioneer was $229 unless I ad matched it to Compusa's price of $199. Are you sure it was $199?

Are you sure that the True 8x drive only had a $30 rebate and not a $30 and a $20 one?

What's wierd is that Best Buy pulled the $30 one from there online rebate center and left the $20 one.

This is too wierd. I'm getting confused about the Memorex drive.

What's wierd is Best Buy doens't have all there rebates listed online. The Pioneer $30 rebate isn't on there, but it prints out at the register.
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Postby vsekh on Sun Feb 22, 2004 12:00 am

The Pioneer A07 was $169 after $30 rebate. The Memorex True8x was $179 after $50 in rebates.

I noticed at the 3 Bestbuys I went to all had different pricing and rebate information. I also noticed one had a Pioneer A07 for $189 after rebate and another had it for $169 after rebate. Very strange to have to shop a different Bestbuy then the one closest to my house to get a lower price.
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Postby hydrogen on Sun Feb 22, 2004 2:34 am

Thank you vsekh for telling me what you find out. I don't understand why the Best Buy's had different prices. I thought they were all suppose to have the same price.
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