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Lite-On 52x Combo SOHC-5232K Pictures

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Lite-On 52x Combo SOHC-5232K Pictures

Postby Kennyshin on Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:15 am

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Postby BurninMan921 on Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:46 am

Cool :)

Of couse these come out just AFTER I get my 52327S... :evil:
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Postby Kennyshin on Tue Dec 16, 2003 2:06 am

BurninMan921 wrote:Cool :)

Of couse these come out just AFTER I get my 52327S... :evil:

You got it a bit too late. Lite-On was also late in releasing a combo drive with 52x CD writing speed. Not that much of a performance difference but users just like higher numbers. :D
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Postby vsekh on Tue Dec 16, 2003 1:10 pm

I'm wondering if this drive will work well as a cd-rom as the Liteon 166S dvdrom. The current 52x32x52 burner slows down a lot when converting audio cd's to mp3 or installing applications. The 166s does not slow down.
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Postby yi_hsun on Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:57 am

I'm wondering if I can turn the Smart-X off under Nero to burn at 52x.
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Postby yi_hsun on Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:14 am

sorry typo, i meant Smart-Burn.
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Postby aviationwiz on Wed Feb 04, 2004 6:32 pm

Should be able to turn off SmartBurn with any Lite-On drive... I wouldn't though.
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Postby minchin on Thu Feb 19, 2004 11:38 am

Got one myself on Tuesday. The drive is the short length type and is surprisingly quite. The tray is noticabley 'light', easy to give it a little push to close it.

When I scan a DVD using KProbe 1.2.28 using NK02 firmware that it came with, I was surprise to see that it actually follows the speed set by Kprobe. I was told by cdfreaks threads that ONLY LiteOn DVD Writers would conform to the speed command. Maybe this drive is 'improved' and could be used to do KProbing.... (which is why I bought it to replace my LG 4320B).

The face plate is different from what Kenny was showing though.... it has a big COMBO logo on it.

I tried ripping a VCD using CloneCD and it seems to rip it a bit faster than my older LiteOn 52x24x52 .... (17x vs 19x).

Just my initial observation....

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Postby yi_hsun on Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:39 pm

Really, I got mine this Tuesday and it looks exactly the same as the picture shown above except that mine is black. It doesn't have a COMBO logo on it.

Well, I updated the firmware to NK06 right after I got the drive so I don't know how it performs with NK02. I tried its write transfer in Nero CD speed and I got an average of 40.88x !!!! It even reached 54.13x at the end and started at 23.66x. This is the fastest I've ever seen. It produces few C1 errors and no C2 errors. Later I'm gonna try its 32x rewrite on Verbatim 32x disc.

So far so good. Please post up if you find any problem with the drive ok. I'm curious to know its down side.
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Postby minchin on Thu Feb 19, 2004 6:38 pm

Maybe because the one I bought is OEM version.... I will post a photo tonight if I get a chance.....

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Postby KTL on Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:10 am

yi_hsun, can you check on the DVD media reading speeds also? I'm sure it probably won't compare to something like the 166S, but I'm curious to see how it handles the different DVD media types. Thanks.
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Postby yi_hsun on Fri Feb 20, 2004 4:25 am

KTL, I would like to do that but I don't have a DVD-ROM disc to test it......well, I got a DVD-Video disc on hand though.

minchin, maybe you can do it if you got a dvd-rom disc.
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Postby KTL on Fri Feb 20, 2004 12:43 pm

The DVD-Video disc is fine. If either of you have +/- R/RW discs as well, please inform us. Thanks.
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Postby yi_hsun on Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:03 pm

ok, here i got a Patriot DVD-Video disc, the result is:

Avg. 6.12x
Start. 3.47x
End 8.08x

I'm not sure if this represents good or bad performance on reading DVD-Video disc.
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Postby dodecahedron on Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:51 pm

reasonably good for a dual-layer disc
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Postby Ian on Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:51 pm

yi_hsun wrote:I'm not sure if this represents good or bad performance on reading DVD-Video disc.

I'm guessing that's probably a dual layer disc. If that's the case, 8x isn't bad.
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Postby yi_hsun on Fri Feb 20, 2004 2:35 pm

One thing wroth a note though, when I checked to make sure its DMA is on under device manager, it says it's current transfer mode is Ultra DMA 3. I remember that the spec listed on the official site is DMA 2, so just wondering.

Hopefully there will be a review for this drive soon.
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Postby minchin on Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:43 am

This is how my drive looks.... (with my Plexy 708A....)


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Postby yi_hsun on Sat Feb 21, 2004 12:50 am


thanks minchin.

How come my black model doesn't have that COMBO logo....?! I wish mine has that logo otherwise it looks too normal.

What's your manufactured date? mine is November 2003.
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Postby minchin on Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:15 am

I am doing some testing using a single layer DVD.... and a few burn tests .... will post in a bit... I will have to look at the manufacture date next time I take it out of the case.... it is a hassle for me to take it out .... just too many cables.... Although I think it is also in Nov 2003....

Will post the pictures later, but for DVD Read
Avg 11.8x
Start 4.96x
End 15.71x

Seek 93ms
1/3 100ms
Full 169ms

1x 5%
2x 9%
4x 18%
8x 42%

Disc Type: DVD-Video
Length: 4.02GB
Burst Rate: 28MB/s
On Abit NF7-S V2.0, Secondary IDE as Slave.

Disc: Godzilla Mothra and King Ghidorah, Giant Monsters All-Out Attach (from Netflix... so it isn't entirely prefect clean disc)... Just got to love those Monsters.... Single Layer.

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Postby yi_hsun on Sat Feb 21, 2004 1:51 am

looks pretty good.

Here's my two interesting findings. One thing is that it takes more time to burn a disc with Smartburn off. Another is that I found this drive's current transfer mode is at Ultra DMA 3, this is strange since the spec listed on the official site says it only supports up to DMA 2.

Can you check if yours is working at UDMA 2 or 3 ?
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Postby minchin on Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:23 am

Yes, just found that my is also running at Ultra DMA Mode 3... strange....

Drive is using NK06 Firmware. KProbe 1.2.28 using MAX drive speed.

Anyway here are some of my results:
DVD-Video Read (detail see my previous post)
Fuji 48x Sold in 50pk Made in Japan

Drive Type = COMBO
Disc Type = CDR
Material = Cyanine
Lead In = 97:24:01
Lead Out = 79:59:72
Nominal Capacity = 702.83MB
Manufacturer Maybe = Taiyoyuden,DX Dye
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = 52X(Write)


Memorex 48x Sold in 50Pk Made In Taiwan

Drive Type = COMBO
Disc Type = CDR
Material = Phthalocyanine
Lead In = 97:26:66
Lead Out = 79:59:73
Nominal Capacity = 702.83MB
Manufacturer Maybe = CMC
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = 52X(Write)


Last edited by minchin on Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby minchin on Sat Feb 21, 2004 2:29 am

Optimum 48x Sold in 50pk (don't have the lable to say where it is made)

Drive Type = COMBO
Disc Type = CDR
Material = Cyanine
Lead In = 97:34:23
Lead Out = 79:59:73
Nominal Capacity = 702.83MB
Manufacturer Maybe = MCC,BAGDAD
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = 52X(Write)


Sony 48x Sold in 50Pk (Don't know where it is made) 2003 Holiday Pk
Nice Color tops (few colors in a pk).

Drive Type = COMBO
Disc Type = CDR
Material = Phthalocyanine
Lead In = 97:24:16
Lead Out = 79:59:74
Nominal Capacity = 702.83MB
Manufacturer Maybe = SONY Corporation
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = 48X(Write)


TDK 48x 50pk Made In Taiwan

Drive Type = COMBO
Disc Type = CDR
Material = Phthalocyanine
Lead In = 97:15:17
Lead Out = 79:59:70
Nominal Capacity = 702.82MB
Manufacturer Maybe = RiTEK
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = 52X(Write)

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Postby yi_hsun on Sat Feb 21, 2004 3:03 am

seems like I got a better result:

Imation 48x

Avg: 40.12x
Start: 23.56x
End: 52.92x

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Postby yi_hsun on Fri Mar 05, 2004 7:42 pm

Review of the drive at cdr-info.com

http://www.cdr-info.com/Sections/Articl ... bo&index=0
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