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Any reviews on LiteON Combo SOHC-5232K

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Any reviews on LiteON Combo SOHC-5232K

Postby bimbla on Tue Feb 03, 2004 9:36 pm

Users of this 52X LiteON Combo Drive, please share your opinion about this drive.

Any reviews posted already? Any better alternate option available?


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Postby Ian on Tue Feb 03, 2004 10:46 pm

I haven't heard anything yet. Hopefully it will be better than some of the other 52x combo drives I've looked at (Samsung, Artec, etc).
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Postby BurninMan921 on Tue Feb 03, 2004 11:53 pm

Hmm...forgot they had a 52x/16x combo. If the write quality is as good as the 52327S, and the read speed/quality is as good as the 166S...I'll be getting one! Ok, so who wants to play guina pig?

EDIT: For $57 I'll bite. Won't be till I get my tax check, though :(
Besides, gotta order a 19" monitor, a 3.2GHz P4C, 1GB of ram, GeForce FX 5900, and a few other things...either all that or I'll blow $1K at the gun store. Either way, I'm happy :)
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Postby wicked1 on Wed Feb 04, 2004 12:42 am

you seen the new S&W 500? I am getting one. I have a DE 50 now but man I shot one and WOW :o Everything in you just twists and trembles at the ammount of recoil generated.It was intense.My 50 seems small compared to it and you can pick up one new for around 800. Theres a great tax check option :D

edit: Oh yeah and to keep it on subject :lol: I have read a few comments on the LiteOn combo drive and they seem to be good according to most of what I read.Ill wait till theres 3 rebates and its free or something similar. 8)
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Postby yi_hsun on Wed Feb 04, 2004 3:45 am

does anyone know whether we'll be able to turn off the Smart-X under Nero??
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Postby yi_hsun on Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:14 am

sorry typo, i meant Smart-Burn.
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Postby BurninMan921 on Wed Feb 04, 2004 4:32 am

WARNING: Totally off-topic post!
wicked1 wrote:you seen the new S&W 500? I am getting one. I have a DE 50 now but man I shot one and WOW :o )

Seen the rounds, not the gun. The store never has the thing in. I don't like S&W's, so I'll pass on theirs. Gary Reeder builds a nice single action one, though...no brake, so it'll kick harder.

I have a .50AE Desert Eagle...and boy, it's a pussy cat. At least compared to my Ruger .454 Casull. That gun kicks HARD with full power loads. Very, very FAST, straight-back recoil, with little-to-no muzzle flip. First time I shot it, it knocked me back about 3 feet. First revolver I ever shot...guess I was too used to shooting the Eagle! And too think I was READY for some serious kick, too... Now I know enough to bend my elbows a bit and let the gun roll back. No problems then.

What loads did you shoot through the .500? I've heard the 440gr Cor-Bons are best described as "brutal". The 275gr stuff looks like it'd be nice and easy to shoot.

I'll probably be getting another thumper: one to make even the .500 S&W look tiny. Namely: a .458 Lott. Something about pushing 500grs of lead at 2350fps. Can't wait to see what it'll do to a watermelon! A 3" Magnum 12guage slug works quite nicely, so this'll be even better.

CZ just came out with one, and with the nicer "American" style stock. And only $650 or so! It'll be my first center-fire rifle, and the smallest I'll ever buy (why do I sense another "almost knocked on my butt" episode coming up?). Next after that another CZ 550, this time sent to a custom shop and converted to the wildcat round ".550 Magnum". It's a .55" caliber round, pushing 700+gr slugs around 2400fps. A pussy cat compared to the .600 Overkill: 900grs @ 2500+fps. That one'd hurt! More than 250ft-lbs of RECOIL energy. Ouchie...
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Postby vsekh on Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:04 pm

yi_hsun wrote:sorry typo, i meant Smart-Burn.

You should be able to turn off Smartburn in Nero for this drive.
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Postby yi_hsun on Tue Feb 10, 2004 4:55 pm

I'll definitely get this drive if it performs like 52327S. Media compatibility is a big issue for me, hopely a review of this drive will come out soon.

Thanks vsekh for answering my concerns.
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Postby vsekh on Wed Feb 11, 2004 12:26 am

I'm might get this drive when the price drops as I already have a 52327s burner and a 166s dvdrom.

The only problem I have with the 166s is on ripping some music CDs to mp3 files, it will hang. I have to eject the CD and put it into the 52327s to complete the remaining songs But, the dvd ripping speed is awesome on the 166s. With the 52327s the mp3 ripping slows down a lot in the middle of the the CD.
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Postby yi_hsun on Wed Feb 11, 2004 1:38 am

vsekh, do you know where i can find 32x cdrw media ??

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Postby vsekh on Wed Feb 11, 2004 6:39 pm

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Postby yi_hsun on Sun Feb 15, 2004 1:27 pm

thanks vsekh.

I'm really wondering how come there're no reviews anywhere for LiteOn SOHC-5232K ??? It's been released for over 3 months !!!! I really wanna see how well this drive perform.

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Postby vsekh on Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:16 pm

I've only seen the drive available at Newegg.com. Great price.

Also, I saw a Memorex drive that had the exact same specs. But, I've heard that it is a Memorex firmware, which they never release updates. I would stick with the true Liteon brand since they release firmwares often.
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Feb 15, 2004 9:01 pm

vsekh wrote:But, I've heard that it is a Memorex firmware, which they never release updates. I would stick with the true Liteon brand since they release firmwares often.

Well, you could always flash the Memorex with Liteon firmware...
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Postby vsekh on Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:02 pm

dhc014 wrote:
vsekh wrote:But, I've heard that it is a Memorex firmware, which they never release updates. I would stick with the true Liteon brand since they release firmwares often.

Well, you could always flash the Memorex with Liteon firmware...

Won't I get an error that that it could not find a Liteon drive to apply the update that I downloaded from Liteon's website?
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Postby dhc014 on Sun Feb 15, 2004 10:04 pm

vsekh wrote:
dhc014 wrote:
vsekh wrote:But, I've heard that it is a Memorex firmware, which they never release updates. I would stick with the true Liteon brand since they release firmwares often.

Well, you could always flash the Memorex with Liteon firmware...

Won't I get an error that that it could not find a Liteon drive to apply the update that I downloaded from Liteon's website?

That's what FlashFix is for.
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Postby yi_hsun on Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:21 am

Hi all, I just got my 5232K today!! And WOW is all I can say. After I updated its firmware to K06, I used Nero CD speed to test its write speed and I got an average of 40.88x !!!! It even reached 54.13x at the end and started at 23.66x. This is so cool, gotta play it around for some while. One thing is that I wasn't able to try the overburn test, the start button in the overburn subwindow is gray out. Anyway, i'm still waiting for a comprehensive review.
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Postby vsekh on Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:38 pm

yi_hsun wrote:Hi all, I just got my 5232K today!! And WOW is all I can say. After I updated its firmware to K06, I used Nero CD speed to test its write speed and I got an average of 40.88x !!!! It even reached 54.13x at the end and started at 23.66x. This is so cool, gotta play it around for some while. One thing is that I wasn't able to try the overburn test, the start button in the overburn subwindow is gray out. Anyway, i'm still waiting for a comprehensive review.

Did you get it from Newegg.com? I will be either ordering mine from Newegg.com or getting a Memorex from my local Bestbuy as it is a rebadged version and updating the firmware with the instructions above with the Liteon firmware.
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Postby yi_hsun on Tue Feb 17, 2004 2:08 pm

No, I got it from http://www.essencompu.com/ and they got retail package with lower price than Newegg.com (Newegg only got OEM). Super fast shipment with 2 days air from UPS (if you ordered in day time, they'll ship it on the same day). I forgot to compare the shipping cost so you should judge that by yourself. I'm very satisfied with the drive and the service from this particular shop. Highly recommended. Enjoy the drive!
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Postby dodecahedron on Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:27 pm

yi_hsun wrote:No, I got it from http://www.essencompu.com/ and they got retail package with lower price than Newegg.com (Newegg only got OEM).

Newegg: Lite-On 52X32X52X16 Combo Drive, Model SOHC-5232K, Retail
retail box, $57, free shipping.
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Postby yi_hsun on Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:15 pm

Oh sorry i should say it more clearly. Newegg.com only got the OEM version for Black model. It's great that shipping is free.
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Postby vsekh on Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:47 pm

dodecahedron wrote:
yi_hsun wrote:No, I got it from http://www.essencompu.com/ and they got retail package with lower price than Newegg.com (Newegg only got OEM).

Newegg: Lite-On 52X32X52X16 Combo Drive, Model SOHC-5232K, Retail
retail box, $57, free shipping.

You also get a free Newegg.com t-shirt.
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Postby vsekh on Sun Feb 22, 2004 1:40 am

dhc014 wrote:
vsekh wrote:
dhc014 wrote:
vsekh wrote:But, I've heard that it is a Memorex firmware, which they never release updates. I would stick with the true Liteon brand since they release firmwares often.

Well, you could always flash the Memorex with Liteon firmware...

Won't I get an error that that it could not find a Liteon drive to apply the update that I downloaded from Liteon's website?

That's what FlashFix is for.

I just bought the Memorex combo 52x32x32/16x drive from Bestbuy. How do I make a backup of the current Memorex firmware just in case I need to flash this firmware again if I need to return this drive before I flash using the Liteon firmware?

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Postby dhc014 on Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:14 am

Use LtnFW and send me a copy please.
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