WARNING: Totally off-topic post!
wicked1 wrote:you seen the new S&W 500? I am getting one. I have a DE 50 now but man I shot one and WOW

Seen the rounds, not the gun. The store never has the thing in. I don't like S&W's, so I'll pass on theirs. Gary Reeder builds a nice single action one, though...no brake, so it'll kick harder.
I have a .50AE Desert Eagle...and boy, it's a pussy cat. At least compared to my Ruger .454 Casull. That gun kicks HARD with full power loads. Very, very FAST, straight-back recoil, with little-to-no muzzle flip. First time I shot it, it knocked me back about 3 feet. First revolver I ever shot...guess I was too used to shooting the Eagle! And too think I was READY for some serious kick, too... Now I know enough to bend my elbows a bit and let the gun roll back. No problems then.
What loads did you shoot through the .500? I've heard the 440gr Cor-Bons are best described as "brutal". The 275gr stuff looks like it'd be nice and easy to shoot.
I'll probably be getting another thumper: one to make even the .500 S&W look tiny. Namely: a .458 Lott. Something about pushing 500grs of lead at 2350fps. Can't wait to see what it'll do to a watermelon! A 3" Magnum 12guage slug works quite nicely, so this'll be even better.
CZ just came out with one, and with the nicer "American" style stock. And only $650 or so! It'll be my first center-fire rifle, and the smallest I'll ever buy (why do I sense another "almost knocked on my butt" episode coming up?). Next after that another CZ 550, this time sent to a custom shop and converted to the wildcat round ".550 Magnum". It's a .55" caliber round, pushing 700+gr slugs around 2400fps. A pussy cat compared to the .600 Overkill: 900grs @ 2500+fps. That one'd hurt! More than 250ft-lbs of RECOIL energy. Ouchie...
Soon to be proud user of Mandrake 10 (again!). SuSE 9 sucks!