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Postby VEFF on Thu Jan 15, 2004 1:12 pm

Spazmogen wrote:We've had 2 days of straight snow again.

I've already got 3' of it on my lawn.
You 'aint lived until the snow plow goes by and leaves a 3' high wall of snow across the end of your driveway...

temp is +1F today as a daytime high (-17C).
With the wind chill factored in it's -13F (-25C).

It was so cold last night, that my moustache was frozen white (from my breath) when I was shovelling the end of the driveway. If you breathe through your nose, you can actually feel the snot freezing up...

And I'm working a highway dispatch console today :o

I remember my parents' old house's driveway once having
what must have been a good 3 foot high wall of snow at the bottom from the plow. That was after the big storm (7 years ago?).

It was also pretty bad back in early December 2003, when we got hit with about 1 1/2 feet of snow in one storm.

The totals the storm that just ended an hour or so ago, are now 5 - 8 inches. They initially said 3 - 4. That is almost double what they predicted...
I am glad I have AWD, sophisticated traction control and stick shift, but this morning it was impossible to drive fast.
The snow was actually the lightest (in weight) I have seen it in ages!
I woudn't have expected the roads to be so slick, but I guess the cold
really made the roads turn slick.
I am sure there will be a ton of accidents today.
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Postby dodecahedron on Thu Jan 15, 2004 4:02 pm

stormy weather here too.
lots of rain and cold (by local standards of course).
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Postby socheat on Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:43 pm

MonteLDS wrote:still no one has answer my question; what is snow? :wink:

i feel sorry for all you people who have it so much worst then I do. And I think it is VERY cold right now

Weather Hayward, CA: Fair, 10°C/51°F Wind : calm

I find it amusing whenever I visit California. People are in jeans and long sleeved shirts at 60 degrees. Here in Michigan, that's right around shorts weather for most people.

Just so you can get the idea, how about I send you some dry ice and you stick your hand in it? :wink: I was afraid I was going to lose my pinky finger today because I was dumb enough to scrape the snow off my car without gloves. It got numb and swollen REALLY fast. :o
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Postby aviationwiz on Thu Jan 15, 2004 6:12 pm

MonteLDS wrote:Weather Hayward, CA: Fair, 10°C/51°F Wind : calm

Weather Crystal, MN: Mostly Cloudy, -3.3°C/26°F Wind : 8 MPH
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Postby VEFF on Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:37 pm

aviationwiz wrote:
MonteLDS wrote:Weather Hayward, CA: Fair, 10°C/51°F Wind : calm

Weather Crystal, MN: Mostly Cloudy, -3.3°C/26°F Wind : 8 MPH

-2 F (-19 C) in my town right now (only 8:40 PM EST). The wind chill is
-14F (-25.5 C).
I think that is close to the previous record, if it hasn't broken it.
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Postby VEFF on Sun Jan 18, 2004 4:24 pm

We got hit with about 6 - 7 inches of snow today, unexpectedly, because
the forecast was off (totals predicted were only 2 - 4 ") yet again - 2nd time in a week.

The only good thing is that there were no lines at OM today.
I forgot one item, so I may got out in an hour or so when the streets have been better plowed and the snow has ended.

They are also predicting poissible snow (30 % chance) this coming Thursday and Saturday.
I thought it might be a quiet winter after the lengthy gap between the second and thrid storms of this season.

This is now already the 5th snow storm this season, and its only 4 weeks in (out of 13).
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Postby Spazmogen on Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:24 am

Hold on tight people.

Here's another Big Ass storm due again tonight.

5-8 inches of snow again.
The weather radar shows it building up from North Texas. It looks like most of the South Eastern USA is getting either rain or snow.

Ontario should get it tonight.

Good thing I've got a snow blower.
I seem to be pretty popular among the neighbours this time of year too.
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Postby VEFF on Tue Jan 27, 2004 1:02 am

We were supposed to get snow Sunday night into Monday morning, but it didn't develop up north for once, only in the central portion of the state.
However, we have a major storm due Tuesday night into Wednesday morning.

The latest forecast is for 12 - 16 inches!

I have a dentist appointment (made over a month ago) for Wednesday afternoon!
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Postby VEFF on Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:47 pm

Only 5 1/2 weeks into winter and we have been walopped yet again with a major snowstorm (about a foot of snow between last night and early this morning).

I am just waiting for the letter from the condo association saying that the fees will go up again.
That is what they did after a previous bad winter, so I am wondering if
history will repeat itself.
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Postby socheat on Wed Jan 28, 2004 3:05 pm

VEFF wrote:I am just waiting for the letter from the condo association saying that the fees will go up again.
That is what they did after a previous bad winter, so I am wondering if
history will repeat itself.

I'm in the same boat here... Although, my assoc. fee already went up $25, but not specifically because of snow removal. It was because they overestimated one of our reserve funds. I'd like to hope they'd use the excess to go towards snow removal... :-?

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-43 at noon

Postby MediumRare on Sun Feb 01, 2004 6:21 pm

Sorry I couldn't post this earlier- I had/have hardware problems (both PCs out of action- more on that later elsewhere).

We had a snowstorm in Germany on Thursday- only 5-10 cm, but it was enough to cause 200 km long traffic jams, one of which lasted overnight!

But I really want to pass on this picture my sister sent from Saskatchewan.
It's taken at noon on 28 Jan. It's -43° C. Previous night, it hit -47°C (-53°F).

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Postby F1Pilot on Sun Feb 01, 2004 6:55 pm

Awww...jeeez. That sucks! Must be miserable to be in...
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Snow in Tel Aviv

Postby MediumRare on Sun Feb 15, 2004 7:02 pm

Hi dodecahedron,
How's the snow? :D Saw some pix in the news (I'm jealous). Yesterday the Acropolis, today Tel Aviv, tomorrow Bagdhad ?

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Postby JamieW on Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:34 am

Monte, snow rocks. It is sometimes a valid reason not to go to work. You can play in snow. It is easier to dress warmer than cooler. And I'd really rather have damn near any amount of snow than live in communist Kalifornia.
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Postby JamieW on Mon Feb 16, 2004 3:35 am

Btw, I think that was a picture of one of Pablo Escobar's birthday parties, wasn't it?
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Postby dodecahedron on Mon Feb 16, 2004 5:14 am

JamieW wrote:And I'd really rather have damn near any amount of snow than live in communist Kalifornia.

:D :D :D
damn! i nearly sprayed a mouthful of saliva+toothpaste foam all over my monitor.

better stop reading CDRLabs forums while brushing my teeth!
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Postby VEFF on Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:50 pm

Today it hit 57 degrees F.
Tomorrow they're expecting a high of 32 degrees F and 5 - 8 inches of snow!
Go figure. :roll:
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Postby VEFF on Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:02 am

VEFF wrote:Today it hit 57 degrees F.
Tomorrow they're expecting a high of 32 degrees F and 5 - 8 inches of snow!
Go figure. :roll:

Not only did we have a snow storm on Tuesday, but it also snowed a bit yesterday, we were supposed to get snow with little or no accumulation
today, even though it is accumulating already, and we are supposed to get another 4 - 7 more inches tomorrow night!
The mercury hit 71 degrees about 3 weeks ago. Now in the last week of winter, we are back in winter mode.
As Joe Schmoe would say "What is going on?"
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Postby VEFF on Fri Mar 19, 2004 10:35 am

Well, they said my area was supposed to be less hard hit than the more southern portions of the state - they SAID 1 - 2 " inches in my part of the region, even as late as 8 AM this morning.
In reality my car had 7.5 - 8 inches of snow on it at 7:40 AM today.

I would like to know where they got their figures from.
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