taken from here: http://www.cdrlabs.com/phpBB/viewtopic. ... 505#100505 (thanks vsekh):
http://www.pricegrabber.com/search_getp ... 25f220cd67
(note: this isn't the link vsekh gave, but when clicking on the link he gave this is where it arrives. there's a redirection).
searching on my own from http://cdrlabs.pricegrabber.com/ :
http://cdrlabs.pricegrabber.com/search_ ... 25f220cd67
as far as i can tell, the links are identical excpect for the www in one, cdrlabs in the other.
so why are the search results different?
i was thinking of getting some from Buy.com, and wanted to go through http://cdrlabs.pricegrabber.com (get CDRLabs that small commision), but it doesn't appear there!
Ian, what's up with that ?