robertb wrote:
1.) On a new install of Windows ME or Windows 98 retail 4.1 you will continue to be given error warnings that the drive will not work without newer Aspi drivers.
I can not comment on this, as I do not have Windows ME or 98. I have never heard of this problem before.
robertb wrote:2.) If you have MCILAU.dll on your computer (media player dll ) plextools pro software will not function at all.
Once again, I can not comment on this. I have never heard of this problem before either.
robertb wrote:3.)Certain audio codecs will prevent plextools software from working although Plextor will not give you a list of which ones.
I don't know anything about audio codecs causing problems. Never heard of that one in my life.
robertb wrote:4.)My package cost over £100 (us$ 150) plus delivery and comes without instruction manual, without IDE cable , without sound card cable, and with two CD's containing Plextools software and Nero 5.5
Maybe you get an OEM Drive, as mine came with an instruction manual, IDE Cables, I think a Sound Card Cable, and came with a CD of Plextools and a blank 52x CD-R. Or, maybe the European version is much different from the American version.
robertb wrote:5.)The Plextools software and even the nero software can only be used on the Plextor drive. There is constant reference in the Nero help manual about the various things you can do if you have the full version. It's a pity Plextor were too stingy to include the full version.
All versions of Nero that come with the writer (OEM) only work with that writer. This is standard in the business and you should not be flaming Plextor for it.
robertb wrote:6.)You are given a warning that the Plexwriter Premium should not be used together with another CD drive. Would anybody buy this who had no CD drive at all?
I believe this is complete bull, never heard of that in my life, and it works fine along with my DVD-ROM drive and DVD-Burner (neither made by Plextor.)
robertb wrote:7.)It is confusing whether one should use the plextools software or Nero to actually write CD's . But since most of the Plextools software has limited capability to write CD's one tends to only use the Nero software. For example the plex software for creating an audio Cd cannot produce a cd cover playlist and requires the difficult mouse operation of dragging tunes onto a plextor icon which disappears onto the computer taskbar.
Without a doubght, Nero is more powerful, I would not use the Plextools software to burn a CD.
robertb wrote:8.)Now the question how good is the hardware ? Well sometimes it seems to write at 52x and sometimes at 16x when using the same media. This is when the speed is controlled by Powerec . But even though the speed is controlled it doesn't seem to stop CD's being written with occasional C2 and CU errors. Before I bought the drive I did not have the ability to check for these c2 cu errors I was happy because if the music played or the data was there that was it all OK . But now I keep asking myself is this CD duff or is it written properly. Better do a c2 check.
I decided to use the plextools software disk which came with my drive as a target for the c2 -cu test and hey I get 22,486 c2 errors and 18 cu errors . Plextor kindly sent me a replacement disk which showed equally as many c2 and cu errors. Many of the Cd's I have written have showed no errors so it is not just a duff drive. Surely for this C2 cu error list to be of any use it should be displayed on completion of writing a CD. What good is it to wrte a CD in 3 minutes if you have to spend another 10 checking if you have any fatal errors?
Anyway when you can see that you have these errors what should you conclude from them? It is too late to correct them and you have no idea what caused them so you can't avoid them on the next burn. The large warning message that pops up whenever one uses the c2- cu test function with disclaimers from Plextor as to the reliablity for any conclusion drawn from these tests looks rather like they have shot themselves in the foot with their own software.
I have not recieved a C2 or CU Error ever with this drive. What media are you using, as even with PoweRec, some media will still cause problems. Do you have the latest firmware 1.02? Do you have the latest Plextools Pro 2.04?
robertb wrote:9.) The firmware faithfully seems to read what type of media is in the drive. For example it tells me that the disk in the drive now is "Prodisc technology type 9" But is that of any use to me? Is it any use to Plextools software ? Does it know how fast it can write to a type 9 ? Can I find out how fast I could write to a type 9 ? Can it tell me how fast I can write to a type 9 so that I have absolutley no errors ? Maybe it could say to guarantee no errors I should write at 1x ?
Yes, that information does help the software. It helps it with PoweRec for the most part.
robertb wrote:10.) Now the Giga record function which I still haven't used. Why haven't I used it ? Well I can't think why I should need it. If I do a giga record for anybody else then I understand it will probaly not be usable by them if they don't have a Plextor drive. Media is cheap so why should I try and cram an extra few megabyte onto a disk.
Every CD I have burned with GigaRec has been playable on my LTD-163D.