I had some extra time this week so I went back and tested Plextor's M7V SSD with the new 1.03 firmware. Like the Crucial BX200 that I recently retested, the M7V really didn't do very well in PCMark's Consistency test. In fact, it had some of the worst scores we've seen. It was slow during the degrade and steady state phases, had high latency times and didn't recover very well.
According to the change log, firmware 1.03 fixes "Compatibility problems which might cause hanging, no response under few specific usage conditions.
Firmware." While this is a bit vague, the graphs below show that there have been some changes to its performance.
The drive's bandwidth is a little slower during the first 6 degradation phases but then it starts to improve. By the time it hits the steady state phases its performing better than what I saw with the original 1.01 firmware. The biggest improvement is during the recovery phases where I saw about a 50 MB/s increase. While this still isn't great, it shows that Plextor is still working to make it better.