And omg! K-Probe showeded an average of less than 0.5 C1 error! That's many times better than Verbatim DLP or MMore's I've been using till now. And the best thing is, whole stuff (10pcs spindle) cost me 2.7 euro! That's like almost as cheap as it can get.
- Code: Select all
Drive Type = CD-RW
Disc Type = CDR (C-)
Material = Phthalocyanine
Lead In = 97:32:19
Lead Out = 79:59:71
Nominal Capacity = 702.82MB (79m 59s 71f/LBA:359846)
Manufacturer Maybe = Prodisc Technology Inc.
Smart-Burn Speed Limit = Wrt(48X),Rd(12X)
Next thing I'm gonna do is try rest of pack, then buy loads of these, and then try some Memorex and Digitex discs - found a store with some non usual to Lith media

Anyone heared anything about 4x Princo and/or 4x eProformance DVD+R's?