Hey all...
Just wondering what brand of blanks you have used that successfully burned at 2x? While you're at it, what brands have you used, where did you get it from, what speed did they burn at and how much was it? I'll post in the following format as I rummage through my junk for my data:
1 - Brand
2 - Purchased At
3 - Price
4 - Labeled Speed
5 - Burned Speed
6 - Issues?
1 - Khypermedia
2 - OfficeMax
3 - 20.00 - 5.00 MIR = 15.00
4 - No labeled speed
5 - Burned at 1x
6 - Disc plays in my Lite-On 163D
Won't play in my Pioneer DV-354
Won't play in friends APEX 1500
Errors Errors Errors
1 - Ritek
2 - Meritline
3 - 52.50 for a 50 pack
4 - No labeled speed
5 - Burned at 1x
6 - OK on Lite-On 163D
OK on DV-354