Hiya Guys
I have read a lot since finding this web site recently on using >80 min CD's but I am still not getting any results as yet.
I have a P4 1.7GHZ - 512MB Rambus RAM
Intel Mobo
2x80GB & 2x40GB IBM on PCI RAID Card
1xMatushita DVD Secondary Slave
1x24x10x40 Mirai CD WRe-Writer Secondary Master
New Yamaha CRW-F1 Primary Master
Both my writers can overburn and Nero 5.5.10 is configured to allow overburning. Have run the CD Speed Overburning Tests to gain results below.
But I cannot get more then 68 minutes of recording time from my 99 minute CD-R's (www.medeainternational.com).
I have found TDK 80 Mins will go to 82mins and CMC disks (1 left now) would go to nearly 84 minutes, but the disks that are 99min will not write on my Yamaha or Mirai burner.
Any idea's on what I should try next??
Your wise words are appreciated!