dolphinius_rex wrote:
Ok, the Han Solo / Jabba scene made sense, but was JARRINGLY different from the rest of the movie, as was the background characters in Mos Eisly.
How is it "jarringly" different? I thought that scene fit in perfectly (and it helps explain future events for SW n00bs very well). The only thing that sucked about the Jabba ANH scene is that they can't get his CGI model to look anything like he did in ROTJ (I thought the first SE version looked a LOT better than the DVD version). As for the background characters in Mos Eisly, I really don't get that either. Because of the SE, we get to see MORE of Mos Eisly. I remember watching the "making of" of ANH SE feature on my SE ANH VHS tape and how George Lucas was explaining how his decision there really opened up that whole backdrop (or widened the scope of it). I really liked the change...
dolphinius_rex wrote: The whole Greedo firing at Han Solo first, or at the same time, was stupid. Han Solo was a smuggler and a scoundrel, he was not a "white knight" good guy.
I already agreed that the change made zero sense. While I wouldn't classify Han as a cold blooded murderer, he knew Greedo was going to make things hot for him. Since poor Greedo was a bounty hunter, it probably made sense to blast him there when he had a reasonable excuse to do it. Plus, both changes George made to that scene looked hella un-natural. I really don't know what he was thinking...
dolphinius_rex wrote:Now Jedi in my opinion was the worst of the 3. They murdered the final scene of the trilogy by changing that celebration song. Changed the whole feel of the movie and the story's end.
I really don't get this one. They essentially added the major repressed parts of the galaxy to the ending. How was that bad? I think the new song was a lot better than the old one too
Also curious as to how it "Changed the whole feel of the movie" for you...
dolphinius_rex wrote:But now that they're releasing the original version on DVD, someone can cut and mix them together, and end up with the "StarWars REALLY GOOD Edition"
The only things I want them to fix:
1. Revert Obi-Wan's Kyrat dragon call in ANH to what it was in the first SE and original. The new one sounds, dare I say, jarringly out of place.
2. Revert the Han scene, if to do nothing more than to shut the original fan base up.
3. Change Jabba's CGI texture again to actually match the one found in ROTJ.
4. Fix Luke's green lightsaber in the Falcon scene on the way to blown up Alderaan.
5. COMPLETELY fix the transperancies and macro-blocking on TIEs and other ships in the space battles. Damn, how hard could it be?
6. Fix the black worms crawling over Palpatine's face in ROTJ. WTF, seriously...
7. Mute all Ewoks. Ok, wishfull thinking