Hello! I gotta a question for you guys.
I have a Pionner DVD-120S dvd player, Pionner DVR-A06D dvd burner and a Sony CRX-195E cd burner. My question is how can I install all of these drives in one PC once I only have 2 IDE channels in my MSI-865PE Neo2 series mother-board? My first "goal" is to use DVD-120S to rip DVD's, DVR-A06D to burn DVD's and CRX-195E to burn CD's. My second "goal" is to make 1:1 copies without having 2 drives on the same IDE channel. That is unconditional. I must do that as described above so please don't suggest that my Pionner DVD burner can burn CD's as well. I already know that .
My current configuration is...
1st IDE Channel:
a. Master -> Hard drive
b. Slave -> N/A
2nd IDE Channel:
a. Master -> Pionner DVR-A06D
b. Slave -> Sony CRX-196E
I've also researched on "IDE-Cards". Could that be a way?
Thank you for taking the time to read my post