Okay, here is an example user defined database file for use with version 3.1.0 (see the little button in the lower left corner of the SmartBurn window):
- Code: Select all
972665_795974=Joe's CD-R/W emporium
5249434F484A504E57303101=Big House DVD
As you can see, you specify CDs under the CD section by writing the ATIP start of lead-in code followed by an underscore followed by the ATIP last possible lead-out code followed by an equals sign and then the name of the manufacturer.
You specify DVDs under the DVD section be writing (in hexadecimal) the 24 bytes of the manufacturer ID as returned by the ReadDVDStructure command (you can find this in KProbe on the Raw Cmd tab) followed by an equals sign followed by the name of the manufacturer.
And here is what you get:
(This is actually a code for CMC Magnetics, and SmartBurn does recognize it, but I overrode it to demonstrate the user defined database)
This is great! Thanks a lot, whoever made this available!
By the way, this works for version 3.1.1 as well. Version 3.1.1 doesn't have the little button to add the file in, but still automatically reads the file as specified in the named value "UserDefinedFule" in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SmartBurn.