Free stuff in this week's OfficeMax flyer, pt 1.
Free stuff in this week's OfficeMax flyer, pt 2.
* Khypermedia 48x24x48 CD-RW drive (Item # 2032-6461), or
* Cendyne Lightning IV 48x12x48 CD-RW drive (Item # 2018-2491)
$79.99 - $9.99 instant - $20 mfr MIR - $50 OM MIR = free
* Khypermedia (Item # 2004-7584), or Spin-X (Item # 2015-4235)
32X CD-R spindle 50-pack CORRECTION: 48X
$14.99 - $2.99 instant - $7 mfr MIR - $5 OM MIR = free
* Imation Jewel Tone Slim CD storage cases 25-pack $7.99 - $4.99 instant - $3 MIR = free
Plus the usual junky stuff (speakers, microphone, win modem, can of air, etc.).
OfficeMax Rebate form (PDF file). Includes future weeks' offers.