by kdt82002 on Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:04 pm
Burningfool, thanks for your reply
Doesn't a 2 second pregap mean that 2 seconds of silence is inserted between tracks? But my problem is that the music is cutoff at the beginning and at the end. Even if there isn't a 2 second pregap. I would still be able to hear every bit of the music. There would be just no 2 second silent pause between tracks. Am I correct?
As far as converting to wav first, I think I was doing that when I chose not to burn on the fly, which resulted in the computer doing some pre-processing of the mp3's before burning.
I have been considering Nero or RecordNow. The main reason why I am hesitant is because both Nero and RecordNow don't list my cd burner(liteon ldw-411s) as a supported drive but NTI does list it as supported. My drive was released last Oct so its fairly new. Do you think Nero or RecordNow will work on my cd burner even though they dont list it. Maybe the lists just arent updated often.
I also forgot to mention that the NTI software was a bundle, not full version that came with my computer. I did use the software's update feature to check if there were any update and got a response that said No.