by Dartman on Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:57 pm
Yeah, the ATI cards always ramp up super fast when they first boot, even worse when they decide to lock up or glitch out during boot as it sits there sounding like a jet till it decides to work or you reset it.
They run hot too but it never seems to bother them. Don't know if the driver/card combination will stop resetting the video driver like my old card was doing after it woke up.
Been a busy day anyways, went online at Best Buy and been watching the Sony UBX 800 ultra hd player that supports HDR, DVD Audio, SACD, any networked media files, and has smart functions like Amazon video and Netflix etc.
Anyways one of my local stores got a couple in stock so I bought online and picked up in the store for 299 so all set for any disk format out there and can retire two machines I was using. A Panasonic first gen Blue Ray player, highly advanced features, beautiful video, loads super slow, and ignores cinivia, and a Denon 757 DVD and high res audio player.
Thing is basically a ES based unit, heavy, built like a tank, and serious specs and media support for money spent. If you dont have a excellent 4k everything player I recommend it, loads fast and the wifi is smooth too if you are out of network ports, I am.