I was checking Sony's US website and came across 2 DVD drives:
A black front bezel version of the DRU-510A - the DRU-510AK (exclusive model to Sonystyle.com)
http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSH ... K&Dept=cpu
and Sony's new x8 DVD burner - DRU-530A
http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSH ... tItemPage=
(no price listed). These 2 models are not even listed on the Sony Canada website. I was waiting for this drive to comeout so I can get it although I like Plextors's PX-708A. There are no reviews for the DRU-530A and how it compares to the PX-708A so I guess I'm going to wait awhile. What do you think?