by Dartman on Mon Jul 20, 2009 4:18 pm
Does anybody even still make a CRT monitor? As far as generally available smallish LCD monitors I'd say Samsung or veiwsonic maybe but it really pays to go look at all the ones in your price range as everyone might do something different.
I bought an Acer 19" wide LCD simply becuase it was on a excellent closeout deal. The text is not quite as sharp as the Veiwsonic used 19" regular LCD I was given earlier but it looks fine for the 65 bucks I paid for it and has no dead pixels.
Whatever you buy make sure it has at least DVI output so it can stay in the digital domain, the text is sharper that way. If you can find one that has a IPS panel those seem to have the best viewing angle and color, plus the contrast is good, otherwise they all look pretty similar so it's whatever one looks best to you.