Leven wrote:Does anyone else hope that this burner will burn DVD-R at 8X by a firmware update?
It's not an impossible task, I think... The servomotors are fast enough, and the writing process could not be so different from 4X process...
What do you think?
Leven wrote:Even if there's no standard, could it be so different from 4X writing so that it needs extra hardware to write at 8X? Remember that 4X +R are written at 8X without nothing more...
Think I'm going to e-mail Plextor...
Leven wrote:Does anyone else hope that this burner will burn DVD-R at 8X by a firmware update?
It's not an impossible task, I think... The servomotors are fast enough, and the writing process could not be so different from 4X process...
What do you think?
OC-Freak wrote:I found a small improvement: INFOSMART01 (infodisc) Still do not work:
Ritek G04 4X DVD-R (writes a coaster)
OC-Freak wrote:You see that ring near the centre? actually that ring is 18% out on the disc as that is where the disc starts to be unreadable. So my conlcusion is ritek G04 ends up in coasters.
Yeah, plextor have also got this image, but I've never heared anything from them.....
tazdevl wrote:On all my (Mem, TDK,.Verbatim) 4X +R discs... the buffer begins to fluctuate wildly @ 18%, every time. Things that make you go hmmmmm. Nero or the drive?
CDRecorder wrote:tazdevl wrote:On all my (Mem, TDK,.Verbatim) 4X +R discs... the buffer begins to fluctuate wildly @ 18%, every time. Things that make you go hmmmmm. Nero or the drive?
Is this happening with discs other than +R?
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