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New Firmware for 411s and 811s - Released: Dec 25, 2003


Postby dhc014 on Mon Dec 29, 2003 3:45 am

I think that they were great firmwares, but then again I never burn DVD+RW's at 2.4x ;)
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Postby Rockymaru on Mon Dec 29, 2003 6:03 pm

dolphinius_rex wrote:Hrm, that's pretty sad!

You know, I wasn't going to say anything, but I just had a really bad feeling about that firmware from the moment it was announced! That is why I haven't upgraded to it, or even downloaded it! Looks like I called it right eh? :D

Hehe, I'm always nervous about new firmware upgrades. I usually like sticking w/ what I have. Only upgrades I get are for my ol' GeForce 2MX or my Linksys router. Er, wait, scratch that last one!

In all seriousness, I'll wait until a really, really good firmware release comes out that most everyone can agree is the best. :D
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Postby bichi on Thu Jan 01, 2004 7:35 pm


Email responses from LITEON, when questioned about status of FS0G and how to
revert back (Liteon Method) to previous firmware.

-----Original Message-----
From: Us_Service@liteonit.com [mailto:Us_Service@liteonit.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 2:00 PM
To: xxxxx@xxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: What happened to FW FS0G for 411S?

DOS utility can be used to revert the version to FS0F or wait for
a new firmware released very soon.

Thank you for contacting Lite-On Tech Support. If you reply please
include all previous emails.

-----Original Message-----
From: Us_Service@liteonit.com [mailto:Us_Service@liteonit.com]
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 9:10 AM
To: xxxxx@xxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: What happened to FW FS0G for 411S?

The dos utility will not posted online due to it is not fool proof utility.

The dos utility can only ran under pure dos mode.

(See attached file: CSFS0F.exe) <--note: available from LITEON and is not on their site.

1. Make sure you have only 1 optical drive connected to the PC ie LDW-411S
2. copy the CSFS0F.EXE to another floopy disk.
3. You need to create a Windows ME start-up floppy.
4. Boot the floopy and select option 4 (minima boot)
5. Insert the floppy disk with the file CSFS0F.EXE and type the filename at A prompt to reflash the firmware.

Thank you for contacting Lite-On Tech Support. If you reply please include all previous emails.

Lite-On (USA) Tech Support
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Postby dolphinius_rex on Fri Jan 02, 2004 4:53 am

well, I'm glad to see that they are offering *SOME* sort of support for people wanting to revert the firmware... but they should make a tool that will work a little better then that.

For goodness sake, if they asked Karr, he could probably whip something up that would ONLY install that one firmware, but would work 100% correct in a windows enviroment... stupid LiteON IT people!
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