I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I wonder what it actually is? Except for the obviously chopped label, it doesn't look like a photoshop job. And it looks like it really is designed to mount a DVD or CD. Perhaps it is part of optical disc labeling system?
dolphinius_rex: Hi guy! Thanks for the welcome.
Ian: Perhaps we could organize a group buy and get a discount?
hoxlund: Do they double the penalty fee when you do that? What happens if you hold the disc upside-down and spin in the wrong direction?
dodecahedron: Did any of those other products particularly catch your eye? Are you considering a purchase?
Alejandra: Supposedly they are delaying the end of Daylight Savings Time by one week in the U.S. this autumn and three weeks in the spring. Are they doing the same in Mexico? If so, you might have a great business opportunity here, since all those watches sold on your subway several years ago are now obsolete.
lightningbaron: Thanks for the welcome! Glad you liked it.