by Howard Kaikow on Thu Apr 08, 2004 2:56 am
Here's better question which I just posted in Roxio's forums.
A bit over a month ago, I uninstalled Ahead's Nero/InCD/EWR on a Win 2000 system.
Recently, I discovered that the nerocd2k driver is loaded and running at start up.
Searching thru the registry, I find that nerocd2k is assignedas a lower filter for the CD-ROM and CD-RW drives.
Since Nero is no longer installed, should not the installation of EMC 7 have taken over that assignment?
How do I unload the Nero driver and specify the Roxio driver for the Lower Filter for the drives?
I would suggest that th EMC 7 install be changed to, at least, ask whether we want to use the Roxio driver instead of the Nero, or other, driver.