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Nero Vision 4 Slide Show Problem

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Nero Vision 4 Slide Show Problem

Postby sdculp on Tue May 23, 2006 7:18 pm

The movie format from my digital camera is called “Motion-JPEG”. The actual files have a .MOV format. I have been inserting MOV sequences into my DVD Slide show made with Nero 7 Ultra Vision 4 with success, but as the number of picture sequences gets larger (it’s currently about 20) I get transcoding failures while in the burning process, even though the previews work correctly. I notice that MOV is not a supported file type when browsing for pictures in the “browse and add to project” window, even though I can add them with *.*.

Before getting into the details of the problems I am having, which possibly do not relate to MOV at all, what can you tell me about the supported file types? If the MOV type is not supported, how can I convert it to a supported type?

Stu Culp
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Postby CCampbell on Wed May 24, 2006 3:23 pm

Hi Sdculp,

I do not have any such files to work with, but if you could provide one such file to me, I can see what can be done.

Since the NeroVision Program is accepting the files, before you try and encode them, you can right click on each individual picture in the TimeLine, and then choose the 'Floppy' icon and Save each picture to a JPEG, PNG, etc format.

Or you can do this using Nero PhotoSnap, also using the All Files '*.*' option to see and select the files, and then using the Save As option.

Of course this is all very tedius as you have to do one at a time. Would be nice if there is a third party software that can select multiple number of pictures and convert them but I do not know any.


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