Don't worry about it, taxman150. You didn't start anything. You were simply sharing what you knew, based on your own experience, in response to dhc014's question. There is nothing wrong with that. It is what these forums are for.
Also, while it is commendable of you to respect other's rights to make whatever comments they wish to make about purchasing or not purchasing, those rights aren't without bound. In a timely coincidence, Ian just posted some rules for behavior in the forums, and points 3 and 7 address just this situation: no name calling or attacks, and no advocating of cracks/key-gens/warez.
So, you weren't wrong to defend your post either.
Hoxlund isn't new here, and he isn't an inveterate offender. I imagine he just tossed out that short "HAHA" post without thinking too much. I didn't like to see it, but would have left it go (in the same spirit of not wanting to get into something) had hoxlund not compounded the misstep with his follow-up post. At that point I felt that some response was needed.
Hoxlund has since said he didn't intend to be rude, and he hasn't made a habit of being rude, so I will give him the benefit of the doubt and characterize my replies as reminders to craft posts carefully so as not to be misunderstood. We all do that from time to time.