This thread is intended for the gang @ Ahead to read. Please don't bitch about anything or rant, just offer suggestions and observations that will help them in their efforts to improve and optimize Nero 6 following its release.
Do not use this thread to troubleshoot your problems
Please be sure to include any relevant hardware (CPU, RAM, OS, drives used, whether or not you did a fresh install or a upgrade install etc...)
What I've come across so far:
1) When you open up a new CD/DVD dialog to write a new disc... the title from a previous burn is in there (assuming you do 2 back to back). Should default to blank or prompt for a title.
2) Given my rig, opening/closing/new dialogs in Nero seem to take a lot longer than they should. I realize a fair bit of cleanup and optimization will happen in the coming weeks. But I think it warrants a further look.
3) I'd like to be able to map certain activities to SmartStart. For example, when I want to back up a DVD after using DVDShrink, I need to use the DVD Video dialog in Nero, but when I click on the button in SS, it takes me to NeroVision which I don't need.
4) When I open up a new compilation in Nero, it opens up a whole new instance of Nero instead of a new window. Seems a bit odd, I preferred the other method in 5.5 and I can tell you its a lot less memory intensive. Not sure if this is due to the fact that I'm using demo at the moment.