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Nero Recode vs. Videora

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Nero Recode vs. Videora

Postby student.driver on Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:31 pm

I sent the following to CCampbell, but I don't know if he got it yet and I thought I would try you guys since I can post now. :)

I use Videora to convert movies into h.264 videos for my iPod. I would like to do the same with Nero Digital (if I can, then I will buy Nero 7 since I still like the burning portion) but I am a bit lost. I know that there is an "iPod AVC" profile, but I don't like the dimensions being limited as I usually crop out the bars and let the iPod create its own during playback. So, here are a few questions:

- Is there a document that translates the h.264 profile levels to the names that Nero uses? I am more familiar with the h.264 standard in the way it terms profiles, and I can't map them to the Nero terminology.
- Can I modify the Portable or Standard profiles to work on the iPod? The dimensions are limited, and it enforces the "letterboxing" checkbox even when the source is 4:3 (although I believe that this relates to "square pixel" enforcement for Quicktime, rather than stating the file is 16:9 as in Videora). The audio options seem limited as well in type and bitrate/sample rate.
- How can you tell if it's using VBR? I am used to seeing a "quality" setting that uses a number from 0-30, rather than a bitrate (which sounds more like CBR or ABR rather than VBR).

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Buffer Underrun
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