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Nero 6 v.s. Nero 6 Ultra Editon downloads

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Nero 6 v.s. Nero 6 Ultra Editon downloads

Postby MikeTR on Wed Jul 30, 2003 6:48 am

Looking at the Ahead website and the various FTP servers, I was wondering how to distinguish between the 'Normal' and the Ultra Edition downloads.

The only difference between the two editions has been confirmed as the inclusion of NeroMix in the Ultra Edition versus the Nero MediaPlayer in the 'Normal' Edition.

The downloadable files on the FTP servers all seem to be the same though. Compare the files on f*p.nero.com and f*p.us.nero.com if you will. NeroMix and Nero MediaPlayer are both offered as separate downloads.

This seems to be a bit confusing. My guess is that all the files are in fact the same and can be used to update both editions, but it would be nice to get some (official) confirmation on this.
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