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Nero Imagedrive blue screens

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Nero Imagedrive blue screens

Postby TeknoJnky on Mon Dec 22, 2003 6:47 pm


Looking for some suggestions for possible causes for nero image drive to blue screen when rebooting XP after being enabled.

It appears I can enable and load images fine, but if I reboot with imagedrive enabled, I get a blue screen immediately upon boot. I dont even see the winxp starting animation screen.

I have to select "last known good" in order to boot up, which of course loads the last good registry settings.

I dont have them on me here at work, but at home I have the exact blue screen stop errors if that helps, although it doesnt indicate a specific file or anything.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling several times, including cleaning the registry of all ahead software entries, and still nothing.

I have tried it on my laptop and it runs perfectly.

Any ideas?
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Postby integspec on Thu Dec 25, 2003 8:00 am

Maybe there is some clash between your Windows and Nero Image Drive.

Until the problem is sorted try this similar tool:

HTH / Good Luck.
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Nor iron bars a cage;
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