For some strange reason, various Nero versions [5.510, 5.51054 and even the OEM shipped one] does not like my new LiteON burner.
It doesn't want to overburn various CDR's or CDRW's even when I know the media can support it.
It doesn't want to erase [quick or full] any of my CDRW's, but it will let my Yamaha CRW300e erase them.
Alcohol 120% and CloneCD will let my LiteON erase CDRW's fine.
It get's better. I hunted down various firmware versions [I tried 4 official versions] for this burner and it made NO difference.
Switching it with the Yamaha burner on the channel positioning [both Masters] made no difference.
It gets better still. I install the LiteON in a completely bare system.
Just the basic OS. No other optical drive or burning software except the supplied version of Nero "Gagpress", nothing running in the background except Explorer and Systray.
Still cannot erase! With the OEM burning software!!!!
? ! ? ! ? ! ? !
Oh well I give up.
Thank you for listening.
EDIT : Sorry I should've said "Erase" and not format.