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Changes from Nero Burning ROM to Nero Burning ROM :
• New Features
- Added LightScribe support
- Added support for DVD-R Dual Layer format
• Bug Fixes
- The application did not start in the desired user language
- Nero failed to correctly identify the source media during a DVD copy process
- Added/corrected some small language related GUI changes
- It was not possible to enter a file/folder name which contains 0x5c characters
- Nero wrongly reported 'Not enough space on the disc' in unfinalized multisession compilations
- ISO9660-1999 was set to all compilations which made the discs unreadable on OS prior to Windows XP
- Nero Express did not offer anymore saving error logfiles
- Added localization for the audio plug-in manager
- Resolved a wrong behavior when double clicking on the column separator in Audio and Video compilation view
- The user was still in the ISO view when ISO9660:1999 was enabled in the compilation properties
- The wrong track number was displayed for playing an audio/video tracks in audio/video compilations
- In (S)VCD compilations, when switching the file system to ISO Joliet; it did not enable Unicode names
- Removed unsupported *.pbm file format from the filter of the open file dialog
- For (S)VCD compilation, *.wmf files could not be added anymore and the file preview was not working
- In an audio CD compilation, when clicking the headline to sort the order, the start and end time were not corrected