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Nero Burning ROM, Nero Express, NeroVision Express, Recode, InCD, etc..


Postby sausage on Wed Jul 21, 2004 4:49 pm

i,ve posted this message before but got little response, i real desperate could anybody please help me or at least gimme some directions!

i cannot get nero to burn dvds! it keeps telling me that burn process failed after running for about 30 secs i'm using the nero recode feature but it will not complete i'm using nero 6, i,ve tried dvd xcopy but it gives a simalar fault. all versions are up to date i,ve adjusted the virtual memory max to aid running but it still aint avin it HELP!
my system :-

P4 2.4g
DVD writers are Pika one+-rw classic and matshita dvd ram (same prob on both)
OS win xp
m/board s478 intel 848p atx a l

media is
bulk pak 4xdvd-r
mirror platinum dvd-r
imition dvd+r (same prob on all 3)

will write cdr with no probs!!
dvd writers are on seperate ide cables and are correctly set SL/MASTER
using dvd decoder prior to burn

any help will make you a god among men!
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Postby CowboySlim on Thu Jul 22, 2004 12:23 am

Sorry, Sausage, I personally can't help, although I would like to. I don't have a DVD burner, so I'm clueless.

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Postby eric93se on Thu Jul 22, 2004 1:10 pm

Are you running the latest version of Nero?
check to see that your drive is in DMA mode.
Try burning at a slower speed.
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