slimeballzz wrote:Yeah that was a place I was referring to. It's about a 10min drive away from me. They are selling at $134 after rebate so I would have to pay $134 + 14% in taxes which would bring a final total to about $153 CDN which is equivalent to about $120 USD.
Oh, I see. Well, then I think the issue is more the premium you have to pay for the Plextor name rather than Canadation versus American prices. Here in America we also have to pay a lot more for Plextor (although there has been a recent price drop).
Have you considered the BenQ 1620? It tends to favor +R a bit more than -R, but it is still a very good drive and highly recommended. Check out the
review your fellow countryman dolphinius_rex gave it. And NICX is selling it for $84.33 Canadian, which works out to $77.39 American after including your 14% tax. That it is pretty competitive with what the Benq goes for in American stores and almost a 40% discount off the price of the Plextor.
If your heart is really set on the Plextor, maybe you should wait a few weeks. The price drops on the Plextor in America are
very recent (like within the past week), so they might still be making their way to Canada.