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Need help with Nero

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Need help with Nero

Postby Albinoni on Mon Jul 26, 2004 11:28 pm

Hello everyone, well its been quite sometime since I've been at this forum, so have decided to come back. Ok my Q is I re installed Nero 5.5 with the latest patches and upgrades, like and also the latest version of InCd.

Now when ever I burn or create a music CD, and when I play it back in my discman the sound of some songs is very scratchy and poor quality. I tried using another CD and did not get this problem, the sound quality was perfect.

I am assuming that one of my boxes probably in Nero is not ticked, and was wondering of the following box's should be ticked:

In Nero, go to File Preferences, choose Cache Tab, the two tick box's under Drag & drop from CD ROM drive, which should be ticked and which shouldnt.

Go to Expert Features Tab, right below is Clr archieve bits and enable image recorder. Which of these 2 boxes should be ticked and which shoulnt.

I've never had this problem before burning then getting poor sound
quality from the CD.

BTW My drive is a Liteon 48246S
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Postby CCampbell on Wed Jul 28, 2004 2:02 pm

Hi ALbinoni,

Sorry, but these features do not have anything to do with your problem.

When you say you tried another CD, was it of the same Manufacturer? Did you use the same write speed? Was the disc dirty in any way?

More than likely the problem was caused either by your source CD being dirty, or the drive reading it was having trouble. Try using the Nero Drive Speed Tool to slow down the read speed of your source CDROM or DVDROM drive. For example, if the drive reads at 52x speed, slow it down to 42x speed and see if this resolves your issue.

Also, make sure you have the latest firmware for your recorder. And try different brand of media.


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Postby Albinoni on Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:54 pm

Hi Craig,

Sorry for the late reply, but yes I did use 3 CD's from one manufacturer (Kodak) and another 3 from another manufacturer (ProDisc). To be honest I've never had probs with these two CD's what so ever.

The write speeds I use were either 8x or 12x no more no less.

No the disc wasnt dirty, meaning the blank cd-r disk. Also it was brand new.

Ok I wasnt using a source CD, but the MP3 files were on my HDD. The DVD Rom drive was not used at all, only my liteon ltr 48246s.
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Postby CCampbell on Tue Aug 03, 2004 3:26 pm

It's always possilbe to obtain a bad batch of media.

This issue could be caused by other factors as well. Such as old firmware on your recorder; poor power flow to the recorder; and of course the source files have issue but simply playing them all the way trhough would tell you if that were the case.

Do you only have trouble with the playback on your DiscMan? If you play in a Car Stereo, Home Stereo, or on your computer do you still have this issue? If not, it could be simply a compatibility issue between the media and the discman.


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