I copied this "thread" I had posted in another forum,,and didnt receive any responses, so thought I'd try here, to see if I received any suggestions.
Dual Boot question,pertaining to master/slave hookup...
Sometime in the next few days, I am going to fix my brother up witha dual boot system..He has windows 98 on his old harddrive, but wanted to try Windows XP, so he purchased an additonal harddrive to do this on. Newt has already covered(I think pretty well), what I need to do to set up the dual boot system. My question was where to install the new harddrive. He currantly has his present hard drive as master on IDE1, along with a CD rom as slave on IDE1. He has a DVDburner as secondary master on IDE2, along with a CDburner as secondary slave on IDE2. I am going to remove his CDrom, and install his CDburner as the primary slave on IDE1. Now,,where should I place the new harddrive, either at secondary master or secondary slave on IDE2. Bear in mind that he wishes to copy CD's on the fly, thus the reason for moving the CD burner to IDE1. Any ideas?