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MSI 8348A and nero for overburning

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MSI 8348A and nero for overburning

Postby x04001 on Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:37 am


I'm lost in the overburning world... :-(
I have a dragon write 8348A (not A2) and NERO
My OS is windows XP + SP1.

I configured nero for burning 90/99 minutes CDR like it is possible...
Disc-at-once, no multisession, 99m00s00frm.
And i use traxdata silve 90 minutes and Eximpo supergreen 99 minutes.

Everytime that i place CD inside CD burner, first nero detects only 703 Mb CD....this shouldn't be a trouble, but when i want to burn 780 Mb on 90 minutes CD, nero eject my CDR asking me to place another CDR (a bigger one).

So i did wrong ?
:cry: :cry:
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Postby TheWizard on Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:17 am

Keep in mind that not all burners support overburning. Let's run through the basics though...what firmware version are you using? Look in Nero InfoTool if you aren't sure. Try installing the latest version of Nero at http://www.ahead.de. When setting Nero for overburning, make sure you check the box for "Finalize CD" in addition to the settings you changed: Disc-At-Once, 90/99 Minute Length, etc.
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Postby x04001 on Fri Jun 20, 2003 2:22 am

my burner supporte overburning without any trouble.
I use the lastest firmware for MS-8348A, it's to say : 150D
I have the lastest version of Nero.
i use DAO (disc-at-once) and i finalize CD everytime.
i placed 99 00 00 for 99 minutes CD and 90 00 00 for 90 minutes CD...
So everything like you think...
but it still doesn't work ... my 90 minutes CD from Traxdata are not recognize and i can't overburn. :(
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Postby MediumRare on Fri Jun 20, 2003 5:30 am

Have a look at Spazmogen's overburning page: http://www3.sympatico.ca/brad.ormsby/spazmogen.htm. He goes into great detail on the steps needed to burn extra-long CD's. Everything > 80 min/700MiB is (technically) "overburning". Although the information is for MP3's, it's valid for other data types as well.

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Postby TheWizard on Sat Jun 21, 2003 5:45 am

x04001 wrote:my burner supporte overburning without any trouble.

Well, apparently there is trouble. :) If it still doesn't overburn after going through Spazmogen's walkthrough, then it is possible that the MSI drive does not like the blank media you are feeding it.
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Postby x04001 on Mon Jun 23, 2003 2:47 am

I have an interesting information for you.
This week end i've downloaded a firmware from Optorite (australian company). It seems that this company sells its 48x16x48 CDRW burner as a MSI MS8348A bulk.

So, i supposed that i could apply its firmware....and ooohh miracle, my 90 minutes CD from TRAXDATA can be recognized as a blank media...
before my CD burner used to tell that no media was inserted.

After several communication with MSI international (UK, France, HongKong) it seems that for them it's a NERO problem [ amator ;-) ] but in fact, its their firmware 150D which is not perfect..

For all people who use CD as described below :

TRAXDATA Silver 90 minutes
EXIMPO supergreen 99 minutes

you need to find Optorites CR 02 firmware...known under CW4802 too.

NERO will not recognize you cdr but, it will not tell you that NO MEDIA IS INSERTED..

have fun.
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Postby TheWizard on Mon Jun 23, 2003 4:10 am

Glad things worked out. :)
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