Also Mos Beer (or such like) an Indian make. Very wary of them, seem OK so far, but thoroughly disgusted a name like TDK dont use the best.

CDRecorder wrote:I would just like to say that not all CMC discs are poor quality. I have some that are really good (and some that are not quite as good).
Phil K wrote:Still like to know who MPO might be though, and anyones opinion of them.
TheWizard wrote:I agree, and actually, all CMC discs (both branded and unbranded) I have used have never given me problems. I'm sure bad batches of CMC discs exist, but I still like their media overall.
Phil K wrote:I stand corrected on Moser Baer.
Still like to know who MPO might be though, and anyones opinion of them.
(and yes - CMC are appalling. I stopped buying Verbatim for a while because they were using CMC. The last 2 lots of Verbatims (25 packs from a comp fair) I bought though were Mitsui. No complaints with THEM !)
dolphinius_rex wrote:Phil K wrote:I stand corrected on Moser Baer.
Still like to know who MPO might be though, and anyones opinion of them.
(and yes - CMC are appalling. I stopped buying Verbatim for a while because they were using CMC. The last 2 lots of Verbatims (25 packs from a comp fair) I bought though were Mitsui. No complaints with THEM !)
Verbatim has never worked with Mitsui.... However there is some counterfeit Mitsui going around. I got some from some Memorex discs once. Also, remember that some fairs sometimes have less then reputable sellers, who may be trying to get rid of illegal counterfeit media. I've run accross this a couple of times as well
cfitz wrote:True, although I suspect Phil K simply confused Mitsubishi Chemicals with Mitsui.![]()
cfitz wrote:My, my Phil. Got up on the wrong side of bed this morning? Feeling a bit testy?I just suggested you might have made the understandable mistake of confusing Mitsubishi Chemicals with Mitsui. I don't recall saying that if I haven't personally seen something, it cannot be.
Of course, in your case I may be willing to make an exception.
We all know that brands are constantly switching actual manufacturers. And Mitsui has made discs for other brands in the past, including Yamaha, Philips, Sony and Teac. In addition, while Verbatim makes it own CD-Rs it also sells CD-Rs made by CMC. So it wouldn't be out of the question for Verbatim to contract with Mitsui for CD-Rs as well.
But you lost me when you claimed that you are holding an AZO disc made by Mitsui. Mitsui uses its own patented phythalocyanine dye. Mitsubishi Chemicals uses its own patented AZO (now Super AZO) dye. The two aren't anything alike.
As for your "frosted look on the top" evidence, it doesn't mean much. Genuine Verbatim (Mitsubishi Chemicals, that is) discs are coated with a pebbly finish lacquer that very much resembles the finish on genuine Mitsui discs.
The fact that you bought these at a computer fair doesn't help your cause either. As dolphinius_rex stated, one is more likely to get goods of questionable origin at a computer fair.
So, I guess I will make an exception in this case and not believe your story. You're just a tad too defensive in presenting your case. It makes we wonder why. I'll believe that Mitsui makes CD-Rs for Verbatim when I hear it from a source that doesn't have such a high personal stake in justifying who makes the CD-Rs he buys.![]()
cfitz wrote::lol:
Leaving aside the question of whether Phil's discs are actually being reported as "Mitsui" or "Mitsubishi Chemicals", for those who are interested here is a reminder about the fallacy of unquestioning reliance on the ATIP start of lead-in code as an indicator of a disc's actual manufacturer:
Out and out counterfeit discs are not unheard of either. And one is generally more likely to run into such questionable media in the ephemeral world of computer fairs. Not guaranteed to, of course, but more likely than when buying at established firms.
Again, it is not totally out of the question that Mitsubishi Chemicals contracted with Mitsui to make some discs for them. Others should judge the veracity of Phil's claim for themselves. But I am unconvinced, and will remain so until I get confirmation from a source I personally find to be trustworthy.
Phil K wrote:Why should a counterfeiter have gone to so much trouble to outwit CD Identifier ? It doesnt make sense, for so little reward.
cfitz wrote:By the way, what is the actual ATIP code you are seeing?
RJW wrote:97m 34s 22f
In that case it is manufactured with a stamper of Mitsubishi.
(Inside a Mitusbishi,CMC or Moser Baer plant)
So the software might be incorrect or you might have made a little mistake.
Personally I think it's the software since I have seen more weirdthings..
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