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mp3 to wav & wav to mp3 software recommendations reque

Postby VEFF on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:19 am

I have been burning CDs for quite a while now, but whenever I have done audio, it is either backing up my CDs for car or walkman use, or burning mp3 data discs containing my mp3s.
I have hardly ever converted from one format to the other.

Any recommendations for an audio converting newbie.

I used CDex this morning, because someone had recommended it a while back; are there noticeably better alternatives out there?

Burners only:
Pioneer DVR-115D
Pioneer DVR-111D
Plextor PX-716A TLA0304
Plextor PX-716A same TLA

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LiteOn 52246S (another)
LiteOn 52327S 52X CD-RW
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Postby BuddhaTB on Thu Jan 01, 1970 6:19 am

CDex is one of the best MP3 encoders out there already. You can't beat the speed when CDex rips and encodes CD tracks in a matter of seconds and best of all, its FREE. :wink:
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Postby mrk1283 on Wed Dec 11, 2002 6:06 am

ive been using cdex since i was a wee lad (well you know what i mean :P) it simply cannot be beaten by anything out there for quality and speed.

Lame mp3 with r3mix set at 224 kbits = outstanding
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Postby wrecker on Mon Dec 16, 2002 3:48 am

I use EAC (Exact Audio Copy) with the r3mix.net settings, but I use CDex too!
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Postby Spazmogen on Mon Dec 16, 2002 5:00 am

Encoding .mp3 EAC @ 320kbps CBR. Forget about VBR for music.
When the size of the file does not matter, use CBR. I back up all of my music with CBR @ 320 kbps.
goto: www.r3mix.net Then go to the quality link.

"Knowing the facts of mp3, you could, if space is not really an issue use:
cbr 256kbit/s by Lame or some Fraunhofer encoders
Remarks: Guaranteed perfect(x) transparent encoding, but guaranteed overkill on most parts of the music. Also: space is always an issue if you use mp3, because otherwise why no use a lossless (eg. zip) compressor for your music..."
So I can average 4 or 5 music CD @ 320kbps per 700mb cd-r. Not great, but the quality is there.

.mp3 -> any format Cool Edit 2000.

Cool Edit is outstanding for editing too.

I used to work in a recording studio (about 12 years ago) and this is very powerful software.

Cool Edit can save to almost any format, regardless of the original source.
It can take a long sound clip (concert bootlegs ?) and add 'cue' points. Then you can save it and have a concert cd with a working 'skip' button.
Of course it you can edit by waveform or by timecode (NTSC {dropframe}, I'm not sure about PAL).

Cool Edit could be overkill for a beginner, but it really does it all !

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Postby Matt on Tue Dec 17, 2002 9:32 am

I've been archiving all of my CD's to .mp3's. I use EAC in secured mode w/ my plextor 40x cd-rom then encode using razorlame front end and the lame command line as "lame --alt-preset standard"
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Postby glock20rocks on Wed Jan 01, 2003 6:21 pm

CDex for ripping and dbPowerAmp for converting to other formats.


Then click on music convertor. It has shell intergation, so converting is a breeze.

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