You're welcome, MediumRare.
If your new path to the audio files is longer than the original path, couldn't you move the files to a directory (or create one) with the same or shorter character length than the original path?
If you have CDRWIN, in the help file under Advanced Topics | How to write a CUE SHEET file, there is a complete list of Command Syntax. CDRWIN was the orginator of the BIN/CUE system, so this is a good source. If you don't have the program, you can download a trial copy at
Golden Hawk Technology. The trial copy only works at 1x burning speed, and as most newer burners won't burn this slow any more it may not work. In any event, this is irrelevant for accessing the information in the help file.
There are also CUE sheet editors such as
CDRCue Cuesheet Editor, which automate the process by using drag & drop, etc.. This is probably the simplest and most efficient way of writing CUE sheets.