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1 more try, please help.. Buslink CD-RW 48x12x48x USB 2

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1 more try, please help.. Buslink CD-RW 48x12x48x USB 2

Postby whycyber on Wed Feb 12, 2003 8:01 pm

Hello, I've seen your site (cdrlabs.com staff), it's good!

So, i came here to have some advice about the CD-wr I just got.
It's the Buslink CD-RW 48x12x48x USB 2

I started to burn from 8 to 48.
I used two diferent cd-r brands. both 32x
The sw that came with the drive is nero.
1. Both brands were burned ok at 8 and 16x usind data.
2. one brand showed that could only write up to 24x and the other up to 48x
3. When trying to burn audio (both brands at 24x), one crashed at 90% and the other went ok. but when trying to play the recorded cds, the one that crashed at 90% was able to play 15 out of 18 songs, the one that went ok, played only 10 of 18.
4. I stopped the progresive test at 24x, I didn't want to mess more cds.
5. ah!!! at 24x and at 48x (a test I had to do it :p ) makes to much vibration.

Finally, the point to all this, did I make a bad invesment with this CD-RW? or what's the deal with it?

any help or coments? thanks!!!
Buffer Underrun
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Joined: Wed Feb 12, 2003 7:35 pm

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