ramlin wrote:Craig,
Three questions regarding Nero 6.
First, does the product include all the plug ins, which currently have to be paid for as extra add ons (eg the MPEG 2 svcd and dvd plug ins the MPEG 3 and 3Pro plug ins and the MPEG 4 plug in), or otherwise has the functionality of those plug ins, on an unrestricted basis, been included - or will we have to pay extra?
Second. I just bought a new computer (yipee) bundled with an asus cdrw which came with the latest OEM Nero Express - are there any uprgade prices for people who have this software or will I have to lay out the full whack?
Third, if, as I do, I live outside the US, could I still download the ultra version of Nero and pay the $10 extra (and likewise, if I lived in the US could I save myself $10 and download the European version?)
Many thanks
The Retail product does indeed include all plugins except for MP3 audio. So you do get the MP4 Audio/Video Plugin, as well as the MPEG2/DVD encoder. Due to license cost for MP3, we can not include this plugin. Not without raising the price of our Retail bundle significantly.
All OEM Bundles can be upgraded to Nero 6 for $49.99 in the USA/Canada/Mexico markets, and $39.99 for European markets.
An only those in the USA/Canada/Mexico can get the Ultra Edition. And only those in Europe can download the European version of Nero 6.
Sorry, but this is set up this way due to marketing considerations.