by CowboySlim on Sat Jul 08, 2006 2:01 am
Don't feel bad Ian.
You and I watch it for the same reason that people go to the freak shows when carnivals and circuses used to have them.
Most people do it, so by definition, it's normal behaviour.
Note that "1st Ward" is LDS lingo.
It's how they designate their particular church, as others might say 3rd Avenue Baptist......
So at the LDS picnics instead of drinking beer they take out their frustrations, anxieties, and hostilities by smashing plastic water bottles.
How fun!
Spaz, now put down that GD martini and go smash some water bottles, for crissake!
Hey, Wiz, who was that guy that tossed midgets at picinics?
Seems about the same to me.