1) Recently I fixed two bare patches (one quite large. Approx 12 feet long by varying widthes of up to 5 feet), by doing the following, after reading the instructions carefully:
I cleaned (removing weeds and stones etc.) and raking existing soil.
I raked the area
I laid down Scotts Lawn Soil with 'Starter' fertilizer.
I laid down Scotts Patchmaster (contains mulch, fertilizer and grass seeds
all in one bag; it is pre-mixed).
I have been watering the patches twice daily
Here is where I screwed up.
This weekend, I decided to do my lawn winterization before it was too late:
- Mowed lawn (the day before).
- Cleaned the majority of leaves first.
- Watered entire lawn (as directed)
- Applized 'Scotts winterizer fertilizer with Plus2 weed control' on entire
lawn, including the Patchmaster patches (laid down about 3 weeks ago).
I could have sworn it said I could apply fertilizer to the newly seeded areas after 2 - 3 weeks, on the Patchmaster bag.
Well, it apparently says 4 - 6 weeks.
The two to three weeks (that I had in my mind) must have been the time period (after laying down Patchmaster) during which it should be watered twice daily.
I also read the fertilizer bag again (tons of directions and info) and noticed
that, while I followed all the instructions for regular lawn, there was a special note about not applying it to newly seeded areas until after the fourth mowing (presumably so that the new grass seedlings would be strong enough to handle the strength or the fetilizer and . or the included weed control chemicals).
[b]Does anyone know if I am screwed or is it possible that the two newly seeded areas may survive the early fertilizer+weed control application?
I know only time will tell, to a degree, but thought some of you might have some knowledge about this.
The worst part is that the new grass was just starting to sprout up in some spots, after no signs for the first 2 1/2 weeks, and now I may have wated all of my time.
2) I applied the fertilizer Saturday; I wanted to get it done ASAP, since it should be applied when
a) temps are 60 - 90 (we are expecting cooler weather later this week)
b) should be applied by early Nov
c) I needed time to clear all the leaves and apply water to the lawn prior to the fertilizer being spread, all of which I don't have time for during the week.
I checked the forecast; you are not supposed to apply within 24 hours of rain due to the rain potentially washing the weed control of the weed leaves.
It said at best a slight chance of rainsome of the Sunday morning, but (far) more likely (just) late afternoon.
I had to do it this weekend due to time considerations and to the fact that it was supposed to rain during the week too, even if I could somehow find time to do it during the week. The leaves would soon starts falling even faster and numerous hours to clear.
Anyway, it rained (very lightly) EARLY Sunday morning (about 12 - 17 hours after application; not sure if it was overnight or in the morning).
[b]I was thinking of (already did it a bit Sunday) applying some granules (lightly) directly to the weed (clover?) leaves.
HOWEVER, since the lawn is already fertilized and the granules dissolve, I didn't want to indirectly over fertilize the already-fertilized lawn in the areas where the weeds are.
Any tips would be appreciated?