by smartin4 on Fri Aug 05, 2005 9:24 am
He is pretty funny, I have been watching since the shpw debuted. I liked the 1st episodes opening:
Looked like the same set as Chapeele's opening, white background, etc, except there was a mariachi band playing!!!!
I also like the fact that he is not afraid to go after anyone. Every ethnic group is open to his jokes, he even pokes fun at the "beaners" & "wetbacks".
I liked when he went and did the desperate gardeners thing and this past episode where he went on the street to find out why people aren't working. He was yelling at people through a meaphone saying things like "Hey loser, get a job" or "hey why are you people in theat apartment building sleeping, wake up and go get a job".
THe Sean Juan fashion show was good too.